Monday, September 30, 2019

Aristotle †Essay 6 Essay

Born in the year of 384 B. C. Aristotle was seen as conventional for his time, for he regarded slavery as a natural course of nature and believed that certain people were born to be slaves due to the fact that their soul lacked the rational part that should rule in a human being; However in certain circumstances it is evident that Aristotle did not believe that all men who were slaves were meant to be slaves. In his book Politics, Aristotle begins with the Theory of The Household, and it is here that the majority of his views upon slavery are found. With the beginning of Chapter IV, Aristotle’s idea of slavery is clearly defined. â€Å"The instruments of the household form its stock of property : they are animate and inanimate : the slave is an animate instrument, intended (like all the instruments of the household) for action, and not for productions. † This distinction between action and production, is based upon the understanding that ‘production’ is a course in which a result is desired beyond the immediate act of doing. Where as, the simple act of completing a task is identified as ‘action’. Aristotle, who believed that life was action and not production theorized that slaves were instruments of life and were therefore needed to form a complete household. In fact Aristotle went as far as to say that a slave was comparable to a tame animal, with their only divergence in the fact that a slave could apprehend reason. For he concluded that a slave and animals only use was to supply their owners with bodily help. At the end of the Theories of the Household, Aristotle explains how slaves are different from andy other types of people, in the sense that they are the only class who are born into their occupation and become property of their masters. In examining this relationship we find that he thought that while masters were the masters of the slaves, they still held a life other than that of being master; However, Aristotle believed that not only was the slave a slave to his master, but the slave had no other life or purpose than belonging. From this consideration we begin to understand Aristotle’s views on the relationship between Master and Slave. At the beginning of Chapter V of the Theory of the Household, the distinct role of master and slave is defined. There is a principle of rule and subordin- action in nature at large : it appears especially in the realm of animate creation. By virtue of that principle, the soul rules the body; and by virtue of it the master, who possesses the rational faculty of the soul, rules the slave, who possesses only bodily powers and the faculty of understanding the directions given by another’s reason. It was Aristotle’s views on the human soul that gave grounds to his arguments for slavery. It was his beliefs that the soul was divided into two parts, being the rational faculty and the capacity for obeying. Aristotle postulated that a freeman was innately born with the rational faculty while â€Å"A slave is entirely without the faculty of deliberation. † And with his views he felt as though it was necessary for there to be a natural ruling order, whereas, the body was ruled by the soul, and those with the natural rational faculty within their soul should rule others without. This relationship, Aristotle found to be an essential element in his idea of master and slave being two parts forming one common entity. It was his belief that a man’s body was the representation of his inner self and that it was nature’s intentions to distinguish between those who were born to be freemen and those born to be slaves. However, we see that Aristotle have somewhat reservations upon his beliefs that all slaves corresponded to his mold. With such quotes as â€Å"But with nature , though she intends, does not always succeed in achieving a clear distinction between men born to be masters and men born to be slaves. † we begin to see that Aristotle was not as conservative as believed. In fact, we start to understand the left-wing attitudes that Aristotle held. At the end of Chapter V of the Theories of the Household, Aristotle concludes â€Å"Thecontrary of nature’s intentions, however, often happens: there are some slaves who have the bodies of freemen-as there are others who have a freeman’s soul. â€Å" Aristotle in his Theories of the Household, allocates a full section (section 9 chapter VI), to the explanation of the relationship between a slave and a freeman who are not naturally meant to be as such. It was Aristotle’s view that although there are slaves who were born to be freemen and freemen who were born to be slaves, there could be a relationship in such cases where the two discerning parties would work in a community of interest and in a relationship of friendship. â€Å"The part and the whole, like the body and the soul, have an identical interest; and the slave is a part of the master, in the sense if being a living but separate part. † Aristotle had many slaves himself within his household, and during the course of his death and through the executing of his will we find insight into the character of Aristotle. He died in the year of 322 B. C. and with his death he requested that four of his slaves be emancipated. Also he asked that none of his house slaves be sold and that they all be given the opportunity of being set free at a due age if they so deserved. This act of generosity and goodwill gives light to the attitudes that Aristotle held. It is evident that he believed that these slaves had the capacity to be freemen with the rational faculty within themselves to make conscious, and reasonable decisions. Many scholars such as Professor Jaeger, author of Aristotleles, theorized that many of the views that Aristotle held upon the subject of slavery were developed through the close relationship that Aristotle had formed with an ex-slave. This man was Hermias. A man who had risen from the ranks of slave to a prince of considerable wealth, as well as father in law to Aristotle. On the general analysis of Aristotle we find that he was a man of great curiosity, wisdom and ideas. Although his views on slavery seemed to hold true to the times, he had many variations on the conservative norms and beliefs. He had believed that slavery was a just system where both master and slave were beneficial from this relationship. And with this he thought that by nature, certain people were born to be slaves, yet with these beliefs we find many exceptions, where Aristotle allocates areas to describe those who by chance became slaves but in his opinion were born to be free. And in such incidence where men born free were not fit to be masters Aristotle explained how it would be easier for the master to obtain a steward who was more adept at giving instructions to run the household and leave the master of the house to more prudent issues. We can only guess as to what made Aristotle believe that by the human soul one could delineate whether or not a man was meant to be a slave or a freeman. And with his arguments we find that it was just as difficult for him to make that distinction as well. â€Å"Though it is not as easy to see the beauty of the soul as it is to see that of the body. â€Å"

Sunday, September 29, 2019

A Journey into Rolf’s Repressed Self

When assigned to read the short stories in class to summarize and learn to paraphrase, there was one story in particular that emotionally touched me. This short story was â€Å"And of Clay Are We Created† by Isabell Allende. I found many great points that could be discussed about the story, and that is why I chose it to be a part of this research paper.This story is a touching momentum of a man's penetrating awakening that he no longer has to suffer from the emotional torment that was inflicted upon him during is childhood. Rolf, â€Å"like a flower sinking into the mud† (367) has sank into himself; a self that is magnetized with cataclysmic devastation and desolation. The volcano has erupted to bring an avalanche of despair, so does this same volcano explode, bursting to eventually bring calm and equanimity.Isabell Allende has Rolf Carle, a news reporter fly out to the devastating scene where you are introduced to Azucena, a young girl, stuck in the mud. Rolfe Carle st ays with Azucena in hopes of saving her from this catastrophe but in the meantime, he Journeys through his repressed childhood memories. It is important to investigate repressed memories so you could courageously move forward to live a fuller life, instead of blocking these memories and living in the past. This paper will slightly take you through Rolf Carle's emotions, the effects these memories can have, and how to overcome them.I found it ironic how Rolf Carle is close to many people's histories when investigating the incident being a reporter but he is so distant with his own and we see this when he is telling his stories to Azucena. Rolf connected with Azucena at a level of experience, whether it was physical or emotional, they became one and shared hings with each other, some things being on a different level. This connection occurred because Rolf saw himself like Azucena â€Å"trapped in a pit without escape, buried in life, his head barely above ground† (Allende, 363) .It is apparent that Rolf, like the buried and trapped girl, has submerged his own suppressed and hidden visceral terror; terror concealed from reality, that when it is unearthed, it is â€Å"intact and precise as if it had lain always in his mind, waiting† (Allende, 362). Like the deceased relatives who weigh down Azucena by clinging on her legs, so too is Rolf eighed down, incapacitated and paralyzed by the hauntingly vivid repressed memories. Rolf seemed to be trapped in pain as Azucena was in the mud, and confronting the thoughts of the girl dying was tough.Azucena taught him to pray, and eventhough it might have been consolation for herself, she later provides support for Rolfe when he was suffering through his past memories. This moment with Azucena, showed Rolf now to contront his own pains and memories, memories t I d witn humiliation, shame, fear, and regret. Rolfs emotional break down, as displayed with Azucena, resulted in him rising above the vultures and helicopt ers†¦ flying] above the vast swamp and corruption† (366). The question of importance and focus is not how this took place.In other words, it is not the line of successive actions and conversations, told and untold, that led to his decisive moment of freedom that is important. It is the cognitive and emotional process of a child who has been abused and chooses to either suppress or repression those traumatic painful memories. Indeed Rolf goes through a transformative change. But for 30 years he has â€Å"lived† or choose to forget certain events that took place in his life. The reader is never told in ull detail the abuse that was inflicted upon Rolf. We are given the illusion of a being beat with a belt then put in a closet.Such a painful event indeed was resulted in the present moment of physical pain, as well as, the present and future psychological damage done to Rolf, not mentioning the effects that it had on his sister. We are reminded time and again by surviv ors of abuse that emotional abuse is far worse because â€Å"the body is meant for recovering and healing physical wounds, the evidence is in scars, but the mind has a difficult time reacting to emotional abuse ecause it is counterproductive and counter intuitive in an unhealthy and unnatural way' (abused victim who chooses to remain anonymous).When dealing with painful events, especially when occurring during childhood, a child often times chooses to either repress or suppress the memories hoping that he or she will never have to relive that moment. â€Å"A repressed memory, according to some theories of psychology, is a memory (often of a traumatic nature) of an event or environment, which is stored by the unconscious mind but outside the awareness of the conscious mind† (pyshowiki), whereas, suppressed memories are those memories hat are forgotten by choice.The question now becomes did Rolfs unconscious mind repress the memory or was it by choice that he suppressed his ch ildhood experience? The answer first comes with an understanding that â€Å"memories stay in the brain for life† (Martin Dak). It is important to understand that â€Å"repressed memories do not disappear† (changingminds. org). â€Å"We can only bury memories for so long before they resurface† (Effect on the Mind). A person tends to â€Å"forget memories† because the fear of facing reality has invaded his or her life and he or she no longer has the fortitude o properly be engaged in the present moment.Like an earthquake that shatters glass into millions of pieces and demolishes massive infrastructures into complete and utter ruin; so too can the effects of repressed memories play in a person's life. If repressed memories are not received, accepted, and properly discussed, a lifetime of tortured reality can unfold in a person's life. We don't have to look any farther than the 30 years of life that Rolf lived. The reader is never given a glimpse into his lif e after the abuse. We are told he has a relationship with a girl and that he is a reporter.Only with extremely caution, lest we stereotype that all reporters and journalists nave been through emotional hazards during their childh , but one nas to conclude that his Job does keep him moving from one situation to the next, avoiding having to ever think about his own issues and life. People that have repressed memories could possibly have disorders like post- traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression. â€Å"Dwelling on such emotions†¦ is overwhelmed by extreme mental trauma (Novella). One could also experience traumatic amnesia, â€Å"this involves the loss of memories of traumatic experiences† (Kolk).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Needs of Various Stakeholders Essay

As we already discuss about the important of the stakeholders. A stakeholder does not exist but makes demand of the organization. The reason why stakeholders are important in strategic analysis is because of they want something from the organization. The demand of different stakeholders may become conflict to each other. For example shareholders of Tesco want maximum returns from the organization whereas the management team may retain profits for long term investment. Also the employees of tesco want higher payment or simply keep employee during the economy crisis, but the management may with to go through the difficult time by cutting posts and costs. Because of the individual needs are various, the conflict exists. And it will change along with times, macro-environment change and organizational changes: The government:- The government has power on influence the daily operations of tesco. Now days the government may give more support to the business because of the global economy downturn. Customers:- The small change of social communications behaviors and the innovation of high promotion may lead more demand on the services and products provided by tesco. This is very important power for the tesco to continue developing to satisfy the customer. Shareholders:- Shareholders may have the less expectation on returns during the crisis in the stock market. However, when the economy blooms again, say after several years, shareholders will expect more returns from the organization. Employees:- Who could be considered as dependent stakeholders. They are willing to retain the same pay level in order to keep employed during the recession period, but when things gets better, the staff will wish to increase their pay and other welfares. Suppliers:- The operation of the business is very difficult and complex with the effects of globalization. Small changes in the country would have direct and indirect impact over the business operations. Local community:- Local community may wish tesco help improving the quality of local environment. They may wish the organization perform better and give the full satisfaction to the customer.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Farming in the United States Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Farming in the United States - Research Paper Example An American farmer today feeds about 155 people worldwide through agricultural exports, an incredible increase in efficiency from his ability to feed only about 26 people back in 1960 (Center for Food Integrity 1) on the same land. However, there are obvious limits to what farming in the United States of America can do. As the country’s population grows, which now number about 313 million and then still growing fast due to immigration, there is pressure on the environment to produce more food. There is always the question about how the Malthusian theory plays out if this trend continues when population growth will have outpaced agricultural production growth. In other words, a reality check can happen anytime soon but Man always found ingenious ways to produce more food as the population keeps growing. An example was the introduction of mechanized farming which greatly increased industrial food production, followed a few decades later on by the so-called Green Revolution which increased crop yields and brought prices down, saving at least a billion people worldwide from hunger, malnutrition, and death by preventing famines. American farming is now on the brink of another technological revolution which w ill again increase food crop production to feed a growing global population using GMO crops. GMO crops are alternatively termed as biotech crops because these are plants whose DNA has been modified using genetic engineering. GMO means genetically modified organism which can refer to both plants and animals. It refers to any living organism from the simplest life forms such as bacteria, fungi, and yeast to go up higher to include successively complex organisms such as insects, birds, fishes, and mammals. Plants are GMOs because these are living organisms whose genetic material contains a novel combination using modern biotechnology techniques to improve a trait or obtain superior strains of a plant species. GMO are

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Medical Legal Aspects Of Medical Records Term Paper

Medical Legal Aspects Of Medical Records - Term Paper Example The book brings one to the recognition of the changes in the documentation process that was caused by changes in technology. The book clearly talked about the disadvantages of implementing electronic medical records in the documentation of medical records. It raises the issues that are faced with the electronic medical records and also talked about the privacy, security and confidentiality issues that the electronic medical records have. It also talked about the forensic issues that the electronic system has, explaining that the failure to authenticate the data is a common problem with the electronic medical system. There are also some operational issues with the system as the authors made this very clear in the book. Electronic medical records can create problems for an attorney as they can easily spread information about controversies surrounding a particular patient. The strengths of the book are that it does not only cover medical issues, but goes a step further in highlighting t he forensic issues in the documentation of medical records. The authors took a critical look at the examination of medical records that were found as a result of forensic examination. The weakness of the book is that there is no real or central focus as the authors talked about many issues leaving the reader confused about what the real issue is.

The Benefits of Having a Good Boss Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Benefits of Having a Good Boss - Essay Example A good boss increases productivity and promotes healthy working relationship while a bad boss hampers the growth of a company. The two kinds of boss are similar in terms of their professional roles in an organization. Both have people working under them, possess power over others, work towards the success of the company, and implement rules of the company. In an organization, employees look up to their bosses and make them the role model. Serving as role models, bosses should possess admirable qualities that others may imitate. In particular, the boss should behave according to the mission and goals of the company. He should have ideal professional qualities and imbibe the principles of goodwill, justice, and honesty in his profession. However, personal qualities are as important as professional ones to promote good-working relationship with employees. According to Brusman (2), the way a boss treats people is what differentiates him from others. It is the aspect in which many bosses commit mistakes, thus it is one aspect that easily distinguishes a good boss from a bad one. Another aspect is decision-making strategy. As the superior, a boss holds the highest power in an organization but such power may be equally divided among employees if a boss wishes to. Furthermore, the life goals of a boss differentiate a good one from a bad one. Life goals include those accomplishments that a boss wants to attain for himself, his employees, and organization. Treating employees positively is one of the characteristics of a good boss. Positive treatment of employees may be challenging especially with the presence of tension and pressure from work. Deadlines, work quality, and other factors may affect the way a boss deals and treats his employees, thus they can serve as the real margin to distinguish a good boss from a bad one. Despite pressure, a good boss shows good examples that others imitate while a bad one acts in the dismay of his subordinates. A good boss is friendly and deals nicely with others. He is neither feared nor avoided. Rather, subordinates work freely in his presence. In the morning, employees wait for him to arrive and wish to see him in the meeting to discuss issues that need to be resolved. In contrast, a bad boss terrorizes his employees with his presence alone. Subordinates do not feel comfortable when he is around. They are alarmed by his presence, and sometimes pretend to be busy when the boss is around. Likewise, in a meeting, employees do not wish to see the boss, but they still attend because they are afraid of being scolded at. Moreover, employees talk behind the back of a bad boss. They make fun of him and draw funny caricatures, and laugh at his mistakes. In sum, the friendly boss causes a positive atmosphere in the office while the terror boss brings about a negative climate. Athough the bad boss may decrease cases of absenteeism due to the fear of employees to be reprimanded, he may in turn increase employee turnover be cause subordinates could have a hard time dealing with him. A good boss knows how to sympathize with others while a bad one does not care about others’ feelings. As a leader, a boss acts as the parent of the organization. Therefore, he should be concerned of all employees, eventhough they are not directly under them. As such, he should know show sympathy when they need it. Showing sympathy to others could be as simple as giving condolences to bereaved employees, sending get-well-soon cards, calling up employees to check why they are absent, and so on. Likewise, a good boss knows how to appreciate the efforts of his people. He says â€Å"thank you† for favors done for him, greets people on their birthdays, and celebrates birthdays with them. However, a bad boss lacks all the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Article Review - Chapter 1 Leadership Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Review - Chapter 1 Leadership - Article Example In this respect, the article provides important information about how leaders can build trust among the employees. In my opinion, this information should be treated very seriously in view of the nature of its impact upon workforce motivation. Unless the organizational workforce can trust the leadership, it will not be motivated enough to boost productivity to the maximum and the business will lose its competitiveness in a dynamic environment. In my opinion, the topic of trusted leadership is more important than ever because of the fast changing external environment. In this environment, organizations have to be dynamic to be competitive. The important components are a compelling vision, rock-solid strategy, excellent communication skills, innovative insight and a skilled team. They are the important components of a competitive organizational culture the basis of which is trusted leadership. This underscores the importance of building trust in leadership. This is a long-term process success in which leads to an organizational culture which creates competitive dynamism in a business environment which is changing constantly. Therefore trust in leadership is vital when it comes to maintaining the profit margin because it has a direct impact upon employee motivation. By emphasizing upon clarity, compassion, character, contribution, competency, connection, commitment and consistency, a leader can inspire trust the importance o f which is underscored by its impact upon both individual and business performance. Horsager, D. (2012). You can’t be a great leader without trust. Here’s how you build it. Forbes. Retrieved from

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Elements of an effective Leader Ulysses Grant Research Paper

Elements of an effective Leader Ulysses Grant - Research Paper Example Such is the focus of this essay. The man: Ulysses Grant Until today, scholars do not totally agree how Grant should be viewed as a leader. Though, he was esteemed a great Civil War hero and a great military commander, too; some would also say he was a butcher. Though many would say he was a major failure as a president; today some scholars are reconsidering such view, saying: â€Å"†¦ Grant was a good president; certainly a strong one† (Skidmore, 2008, p. 221). Perhaps, these opposing views could be attributed to the complex character of the man whose life was lived in the most challenging times of US history. Good thing though, scholars at least agree on five things about Grant. First, Hiram Ulysses Simpson Grant, the eldest among the six children (3 boys and 3 girls) of Jesse Root Grant and Hannah Simpson (Taylor, 2006, p. D05), is no extra-ordinary lad with an extra-ordinary life lived during challenging times. Aside from his unmatched excellence in horsemanship â€⠀œ â€Å"a skill that served him well in the Civil War, when he remained eighteen hours a day and more in the saddle without tiring, a feat that astonished his staff† (Goode, 1999, p. ... (McDowell, 2004, p. B06) His life is evidently a history of success and failure. Admirably though, in success, in failure, and even in death, Grant had consistently faced life’s challenges calmly. Second, Grant is a complex man (Bartholomees, 2002, p. 133) filled with great contradictions. Drain, the executive producer of American Experience describes him as a man hailed from an educated family, yet a school bum; a man who hates violence and the sight of blood, yet had been a brutal commander (cited in Lasner, 2002, p. 20). A man devoid of any qualities of greatness yet had saved and united this nation. A man of constant failure yet in his not so distinct previous military career had earned President Lincoln’s trust and confidence against the opposition of many, had been able to tame and discipline the seemingly hopeless rowdy Illinois regimen, and had defeated Robert E. Lee’s forces, victoriously ending the bloody Southern rebellion (Goode, 1999, p. 330; Lasner, 2002, p. 20). An honest man yet his administration were best known for many scandals involving his own people – his secretary of war (William Belknap) and private secretary (Gen. Orville Babcock). Among the major scandals that smeared his term were the Black Friday (September 24, 1869), Whiskey Ring (1875), and Belknap Bribery (1876). (Toppin, 2002, pp. 244-246) Also, a child of the frontier, a drunkard and a stern military commander, yet rarely swears using only the oath ‘doggone it’ and acts with ‘girlish modesty’. According to him, â€Å"no one had seen him naked since he was a boy.† (Goode, 1999, p.330) Third, Grant was a happy family man finding contentment and solace in the company of his wife, Julia Dent, and four

Monday, September 23, 2019

Business ethics in promotion of alcohol based products Essay

Business ethics in promotion of alcohol based products - Essay Example The paper tells that the age of globalisation has virtually put organizations into head on competition against each other. Firms are trying to outpace each other using a mix of different strategies and varying products to understand the needs of the consumers and deliver them accordingly. Firms are essentially trying out various strategies in order to not only attract new consumers but to also retain the existing ones. The role of marketing communication and advertising assumes prime importance in this regard with the former being a media for transmitting the message from the companies to the target customers. The advent of multiple channels including the online channels has led to greater importance and scope of this aspect in marketing of goods and services. The aspect of marketing communications has however been a subject matter of debate with regards to the aspect of ethics in advertising. It has been stated that marketers in an attempt to outpace their competitors and to generat e greater attractiveness often indulge in unethical activities. The present study would analyse the ethical aspects that are into consideration in case of marketing of alcohol based products. The aspect of ethics in case of alcohol based products assumes considerable significance as the product is perceived as a threat for the health and there are various social stigmas attached to alcohol based products. This makes the promotion of these products a matter of debate. There are many nations like India that have completely banned any form of promotions with regards to alcohol or tobacco based products using any form of communication. However protagonist state that there is nothing unethical in marketing alcohol based products as they generate revenue and the livelihoods of a large number of individuals depend on the profitability of these companies. They argue that these are one of the most highly taxed products and hence it is nothing unethical about these companies unless they viola te the aspect privacy of individuals. Business organization on their part state that they have various community development programs that can help provide them with a socially responsible image. Companies are also putting up statutory warnings on products and commercials in order to make individuals aware of the ill effects of drinking. Critiques however slam this move and state that in spite of all such efforts and tall claims the business organizations are only engaged into profit making and do not have any other motive. Given the size of this industry they state that it has a lucrative opportunity to gain billions of dollars for the industry. They state that advertisements are normally made for promoting products among the customers and given the ill effects and the nature of alcoholic beverages it is not justified to have these products being promoted so as to pull customers and make them indulge into this habit. The effect of these commercials on students and kids along with t he growing number of use of alcohol among kids has also been stated as an example to showcase the unethical aspects in the promotion of alcohol based products. The present essay will try to give a critical analysis of the aspect of ethics in promotion of alcohol based products so as to have a comprehensive analysis of the topic. Analysis and Discussion The aspect of marketing and advertising of alcoholic products has been a subject matter of debate over the years. The issue amounts significance considering the fact that alcohol is considered injurious to health and worldwide organizations like WHO have effectively stated that alcohol consumption is injurious to health. Alcohol also has other bad effects including the fact that alcohol consumption has led to major accidents. Various studies conducted in this aspect have shown that the consumption of alcohol and its after

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Alcohol and Energy Drinks- A literature review Essay Example for Free

Alcohol and Energy Drinks- A literature review Essay ?In recent years, researchers have begun to focus attention on an emerging trend of consuming energy drink mixed with alcohol AmED. Consumption of AmED is thought to have a correlation with high-risk behavior and negative effects on the consumer. Several research articles have examined the various facets of this practice. Some of the points of consideration that have been researched include the motivations behind consuming AmED, the effects of consuming AmED on alcohol consumption and the likelihood of engaging in risk taking behaviors after consuming AmED compared to alcohol alone. This literature review will examine the following four articles in an attempt to explore this area of research. Energy drinks are beverages that boast the ability to provide the consumer with an increase in energy. Energy drinks frequently contain large amounts of caffeine. The upper daily recommended limits for an adult in regards to caffeine is XXX. Levels of caffeine can be up to 300mg per serving. A 6oz coffee contains 100mg. The caffeine from energy drinks is known to have a stimulating effect on the nervous system. Many brands of energy drinks contain additional chemicals including plant-based stimulants (guarana and yerba mate). The effect of these on the body is not well understood as there has been little research. Simple sugars such as glucose and fructose are also found in some energy drinks. Other potential ingredients include glucronolacteone (a naturally occurring metabolite), amino acids (taurine, carnitine and creatine), herbs (Ginko Biloba and ginseng) and vitamins. In a research paper by Peacock and Bruno (2012a), patterns of use and motivations behind the consumption of AmED were examined. The focus of this investigation was to examine the motivation of participants to consume AmED through self-reporting techniques in the form of an online questionnaire. The sample of 400 participants aged 18-35 years who had reportedly consumed AmED in the past 6 months. The results of the study indicated that 75% of participants used AmED for energetic purposes, 50% reporting use to extend their stay at a public venue, 60% claimed they were motivated by situational circumstances, such as mixed drinks containing ED, 40% reported sharing AmED with a companion, 20% used AmED to mask the flavor of alcohol, 50% of the sample reported using AmED to have more fun and only 33% reported consuming AmED to get more drunk Peacock al et (2012a). In addition to taste and situational reasons, the participants in this study appeared to be motivated by functional and hedonistic outcomes. Only a small number of participants being motivated by the desire to increase the level of drunkenness or experience similar effects to elicit drugs. A study conducted by O’Brian, McCoy, Rohdes, Wagoner and Wolfson (2008), where by responses from 4,271were recorded via a web based survey. Participants who consumed AmED in the past 30 days reported consuming significantly more alcohol in a typical drinking session as well as reporting more drinking sessions than those who did not consume AmED O’Brian et al. (2008). AmEd consumers also reported episodes of weekly drunkenness and among the sample who reported consuming AmED a single drinking session consumed 36% more than students who didn’t not report consumption of AmEd. The results of Peacock et al. (2012b) indicate that although risk taking behaviors occurred during sessions of consumption of both alcohol and risk taking behavior that occurred with AmED was statistically less than the risk taking behaviors that occurred in alcohol alone sessions. However consumption of AmEd did result in higher negative physiological and psychological outcomes than those reported from consuming alcohol. Verster, Aufricht and Alford (2012), conducted a review of articles of articles relating to the consumption of AmED. It was revealed through a critique of multiple correlational studies that there are currently insufficient properly controlled studies to draw any firm conclusions regarding the effects of AmED. Conclusions reached in their report were that only a minority of the student population occasionally consumes AmED Vester (2012). Research also suggested some evidence that AmED may result in an increase in some aspects of alcohol- induced performance impairment. There is no consistent evidence that alcohol alters perceived levels of intoxication, no evidence that consumption of ED causes an increase in alcohol consumption, no direct evidence exists to suggest that ED is linked to drug and alcohol dependence or abuse. A personality predisposed to higher levels of risk taking behavior may be the primary reason for increasing alcohol and drug abuse and that AmED may be a component of that lifestyle. The literature available relating to AmED consumption is insufficient. Presently there is an insufficient amount of evidence to link the consumption of AmED to an increase in risk taking behavior, increase in consumption of alcohol or negative effects on health. To understand the true effects of AmED further research is required. To draw more concrete conclusions about the effect of AmED there is a need for more complex and properly controlled clinical studies need to be undertaken. Research design needs to explore relationships with a within subject design whereby the relationship between the ingestion of AmED and the consumption of alcohol is further explored and documented.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Principles-Based Accounting Advantages

Principles-Based Accounting Advantages The primary advantage of principles-based accounting rests in its broad guidelines that can be applied to numerous situations. Broad principles avoid the pitfalls associated with precise requirements that allow contracts to be written specifically to manipulate their intent. A 1981 study sponsored by FASB found evidence that managers purposefully try to structure leases as operating leases to avoid incurring additional liabilities. Providing broad guidelines may improve the representational faithfulness of financial statements. Principles-based accounting standards allow accountants to apply professional judgement in assessing the substance of a transaction. This approach is substantially different from the underlying box-ticking approach common in rules-based accounting standards. FASB Chair Robert Herz has stated that he believes the professionalism of financial statements would be enhanced if accountants are required to utilize their judgment instead of relying on detailed rules. A principles-based system would result in simpler standards. Herz has claimed that a principles-based system would lead to standards that would be less than 12 pages long, instead of over 100 pages (BusinessWeekÂÂ  online, 2002). Principles would be easier to comprehend and apply to a broad range of transactions. Harvey Pitt, former SEC chairman, explained this as follows: Because standards are developed based on rules they are insufficiently flexible to accommodate future developments in the marketplace. This has resulted in accounting for unanticipated transactions that is less transparent. The use of principles-based accounting standards may provide accounting statements that more accurately reflect a companys actual performance. It can be proved by the statement made by Australian Securities and Investments Commission Chair David Knott an increase in principles-based accounting standards would reduce manipulations of the rules (Nationwide News, 2002). Financial statements that are prepared under accounting standards that clearly state the accounting objectives, have few, if any, exceptions, and do not include bright-line tests should benefit users. They should be easier to understand, more meaningful and informative, are likely to result in similar transactions and events being accounted for similarly, and more likely to reflect the economic substance of a transaction, in part, because there will be less opportunity for financial engineering. (Heffes, Ellen M ,2004) Disadvantages: A lack of precise guidelines could create unreliable and inconsistent information in the application of standards across organizations and make it difficult to compare one entity to another. For example, companies are required to recognize both an expense and a liability for a contingent liability that is probable and estimable. On the other hand, a contingent liability that is reasonably possible is only reported in the footnotes. With no precise guidelines, how should companies determine if liabilities are probable or only reasonably possible? The lack of bright-light standards would reduce the financial statements comparability and consistency. For example, how much income willÂÂ  General ElectricÂÂ  actually recognize on a multiyear defense contract under the percentage of completion method of accounting? Will this be comparable to the income reported by its competitors? And most importantly, will the auditors, many of whom have been caught behaving badly recently, abuse their trust and fail to apply the principles in good faith consistent with the intent and spirit of the standards. Principles-based accounting system generally requires preparers and auditors to apply professional judgment to implement and interpret the standards in the absence of sufficient guidance to exercise that judgment. There is a danger because they can be used to manipulate financial results. Since they have often set low standards for themselves in this regard (even failing to meet those), it is a big question if they will rise to the occasion. Advantages and Disadvantages of Rules-based Accounting Standard: Advantages: Rule-based standards are generally considered easier to audit for compliance purposes, and may produce more consistent and comparable financial reports across entities. Requirements are set out in detail and compliance with the rules can be more easily monitored and enforced. Disadvantages: Entities may search for loopholes that meet the literal wording of the standard but violate the intent of the standards. Rules-based accounting has not worked in practice. Critics argue that the present U.S. system does not produce accurate reporting. It focuses on checking the boxes more than portraying an underlying economic reality. It filled with specific details in an attempt to address as many possible contingencies as possible. This has made standards longer and complicated, and has led to arbitrary criteria for accounting treatments that allows companies to structure transactions to circumvent unfavourable reporting. For instance, lease accounting contains hundreds of pages of rules and interpretations while almost no leased assets appear on corporate balance sheets. The system has created an industry of financial engineering and structured transactions designed to circumvent the rules. Many believe that rules closing structuring loopholes will only result in more elaborate ways to evade them. (Raymond Thompson, 2009)

Friday, September 20, 2019

Overview of The First Red Scare :: essays research papers

In the early part of the twentieth century, Americans feared and fought against the principles of the Bolsheviks. Few Americans today even know what the â€Å"Red Scare† was, let alone fear these ideas. However, many of the basic Bolshevik ideas are alive and well in the United States. Citizens of the United States are beginning to accept and even believe in many principles that the Bolshevik Revolution was all about, including eminent domain, loss of freedom of speech, loss of privacy, and income redistribution in the form of very high tax rates. The textbook years for the Red Scare were from 1917 to 1920, but there were important events before 1917 that preceded the Bolshevik Revolution. â€Å"The first â€Å"reds† were those Americans who supported the French Revolution at the end of the eighteenth century.† (Hoyt, 11) The first Marxian socialists to come to the United States were German immigrants who began arriving in 1848. They slowly began to change the labor organization, and over a few years the Socialist and Communist parties were born. In 1901, all Americans were made aware of left-wing radicalism after an anarchist named Leon Czolgosz assassinated President William McKinley. â€Å"No more was needed to make Americans fear and hate the very words â€Å"anarchist,† â€Å"radical,† â€Å"red† and â€Å"socialist,† all of which they lumped together†. (Hoyt, 13) All of these events culminated in creating a certain fear in Americans from these groups. The climax of the fear of radicals, and the start of the Red Scare was when in November 1917, when the Russian Revolution took place. Earlier that year, there were only 11,060 Bolsheviks in Russia, yet five months later they managed to seize power. When American began to understand this concept, they were all struck with fear. Americans did not want to go back to a controlling government that they had just escaped by coming to America. The Red Scare began because of several bombs that were mailed to many people. These bombs were constructed so that when the person receiving the bomb opens their package, they will be greatly injured, or killed. There were about thirty bombs sent through the mail, and only about five were actually opened. These bombs were addressed to important people like John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, commissioners of immigration and many others. Bombs were the physical scare to people, but inside, Americans were â€Å"nervous that reds could get into the government and control the people.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Repressed Memory Essay -- Psychology Essays Memory Neurology

Repressed Memory If someone asks me, "Where were you on September 11, 2001?" I would be able to give that person an accurate answer. It seems impossible to ever forget the events of that day. How could one forget such a traumatic day? It seems like life changing events would stay with a person forever. However, there are many victims of, let's say, child abuse that cannot remember the actual abuse. The memories of such horrors have been erased so there is no recollection of the events. Being a skeptic, I am not sure if I would be able to forget such horrific events. Repressed memories can also be recovered, through therapeutic treatment. It seems odd how people can forget certain traumas, but still able to remember others. How does memory actually work, and how can one selectively repress certain memories? Memory and the I-function seem to be closely related. Memory allows individuals to store and retrieve information gained from previous experience. It can then be used to predict human response to certain stimuli. Optic neurons often "make things up as it goes along". The I-function relies on memory in order to do this. Memory is used to perform tasks such as comprehension and production of language, reasoning, and recognition of declarative. Memory is also necessary for skill acquisition. Different models of memory have been proposed. One is that there is a limited capacity for the amount of information that can be stored. Memory can decay, and the longer a memory has been stored and not used, the less available it will be. As new information enters the memory, it may be harder to access other information and cognitive system seems to be less efficient (2). Memory consists of three basic functions: enco... ...althier than repressing them. I do not quite fully understand why the brain would repress memories in order to protect the person. The mind is a web of mysteries, and memory repression is just on thread of the web. References 1)Elizabeth Loftus, 2)About Memory, 3)Mechanim of Memory 4)Encoding memory, 5)Skeptic's Dictionary, 6)Process Healing,

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Comparing Bennetts Hamlet with Branaghs Hamlet Essay -- comparison c

Comparing Bennett's Hamlet with Branagh's Hamlet      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Many of Shakespeare's works have been transposed from stage to screen, none so more than Hamlet. Two of the most unique film appropriations of the play are to be found in Rodney Bennett's 1980 film and Kenneth Branagh's 1996 blockbuster. The two films share many parallels between them in both interpretation and method, however they also have marked differences in their respective approaches to the text.    Perhaps the most obvious difference between these two versions is that Branagh uses the full unabridged text whereas Bennett cuts the play down by an hour or so; Kenneth Branagh justifies his use of the full text on the BBC's website stating: "When you cut the play ... what often happens is that you compress a lot of very intense set pieces and it becomes unbearable to watch. You simply fail to take some things in because you need a breath."    Another marked difference in the two versions lies in the focus of the two films. Bennett's Hamlet focuses almost entirely on the character of Hamlet himself and the domestic tragedy that occurs around him. An example of this in the film how Derek Jacobi as Hamlet speaks directly to the camera while in soliloquy. This establishes a certain rapport between Hamlet and the viewer, as if he is speaking directly to them, this also makes the film seem more theatrical in a sense. Branagh de-centres the story from around Hamlet and focuses on the wider situation, particularly with regards to Denmark's political situation. In this appropriation Hamlet is merely one player among many. This interpretative decision is reflected in the casting of the film; Kenneth Branagh takes the title role among severa... ...rbook vol.8: Hamlet on Screen, Ed.H. Klein & D. Daphinoff, Edwin Mellen Press, 1997 Sauer, David Kennedy. `Suiting the Word to the Action: Kenneth Branagh's interpolations in Hamlet', Shakespeare Yearbook vol.8: Hamlet on Screen, Ed.H. Klein & D. Daphinoff, Edwin Mellen Press, 1997 Wilmeth, Thomas L. `Fortinbras on Film: Safe Passage for the Prince', Shakespeare Yearbook vol.8: Hamlet on Screen, Ed.H. Klein & D. Daphinoff, Edwin Mellen Press, 1997 Audio Visual Bennett, Rodney. Hamlet, Shakespeare W., BBC Education, 1980 Branagh, Kenneth. Hamlet, Shakespeare W., Castle Rock Entertainment, 1996 Internet Resources `The Filming of Hamlet - Text Interpretation'. BBC Education, 15/03/02 `Cineaste Branagh Interview', Cineaste Film Review, 15/03/02   

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Infection Control

You cannot seem to stop vomiting, your head should be permanently embedded in the toilet because you have not moved in ours. You know for sure something is not right at this point because you have never felt this way. You pick yourself off of the bathroom floor and decide to head to the Emergency room. Upon your arrival you are escorted to the back to be seen because of the degree of your illness. The doctor comes in your room and asks you a variety of questions such as what you ate, when did the symptoms first begin.You inform your doctor nothing out of the ordinary and proceed to tell the doctor what you have consumed. You proceed to tell the doctor you made a chicken dish 2 nights before. The doctor stops you in your traps, he/she notices that it has been about a day and half since you ate and prepared the chicken and your symptoms that you are currently experiencing. The doctor takes a look at you and says you have food poisoning. The doctor has informed you by either not cooking the chicken properly or the handling of the chicken you have been infected with Salmonella.This situation could have been easily avoided simply by cooking the meat to temperature, handling the chicken with care such as washing your hands right after exposure to the chicken and or wiping down everything that came in contact with the chicken with a confection spray. Infection control is something that can be done and is quite simply at times, sometimes it is as easy as washing your hands. While many people do not practice infection control in their daily lives, using proper infection control can eliminate illness, sickness and even death. â€Å"Food Poisoning†, 2013) Once you have been exposed to an infection and you are experiencing the terrible side effects, you want to know how you could have been infected. First and foremost, infection is spread by tiny little microscopic organisms that we like to refer to as cetera and viruses. These little germs are found everywhere incl uding our environment. Even us humans have germs, they are in our body secretions that include our stool and in tiny little droplets that are produced by breathing, coughing and sneezing. Infections are spread through many different ways.The first way that was already stated was through stool. Stool contains germs that cause diarrhea and other infections that affect the intestinal tract that is found in feces. If for some reason a person doesn't properly demonstrate personal hygiene is can spread wrought contaminated hands, food, water and even other surfaces that the individual encounters. Most importantly these germs spread because they can survive long periods of time. The key to not spreading germs from stool is to properly washing your hands each and every time one uses the laboratory.Another way infection is spread is through droplets. The common cold, influenza, and strep throat to name a few are spread through germs that are found in ones saliva and secretions of the nose. A nytime someone sneezes, coughs or wipes that dreadful runny nose it is coming from the respiratory tract THAT contain germs. These little germs can easily be inhaled or accidental land in someone else nose, mouth or even eye and then they too have now been infected. Like stated before majority of germs can hang around because they can with stand our environment for a long period of time before dying off.Another way is contact with blood. There are numerous types of infection that can be spread by direct contact with blood. It Just takes a break in the skin or even contact with the mucous membranes for instance the nose and eye. Only takes a very small amount of blood to spread infection. Therefore anytime blood or body laid are seen handle with care, such as always use gloves when handling such items and properly dispose of it and be sure to properly disinfect when the blood has been cleared up. Direct physical contact is another way infection is spread.For example ringworm and impe tigo is easily spread by physical contact. Contaminated objects such as toys, bottles, and pacifiers are easy conductors for germs because the sick child plays or uses the item. Then the well child comes along and uses it and now they have been exposed. With that said it is imperative for an adult to constantly confecting and assonating toys and other items used by children. (â€Å"How Infections Spread†, 2011) There is variety of ways to help prevent the spread of infection, it is just a matter of practicing the strategies.The first and most important strategy to ensure that infection will not spread is to simply wash your hands. According to Elizabeth Gillespie (2009),† It is now recognized that hand hygiene is the primarily measure for infection prevention. † She continues to add, † When performed well, it reduces transmission of microbial pathogens both in community and in healthcare setting. Basically in a nutshell wash your hands to prevent whatever yo u have touched or were exposed to.Another way to prevent infection is environmental hygiene, one of the key sources for infection to spread is through environmental surfaces. Some types of bacteria have been proven to survive for months on environmental surfaces. Therefore when a person touches these surfaces with their hands or even another type of skin contact the infection is then transmitted from the surface to the individual. With that said it is very important to keep surfaces clean and disinfected. The third way to prevent infection is to get vaccinated.Vida, 2013) According to â€Å"The Free Dictionary, 2013† vaccination is defined as â€Å"A preparation of a weakened or killed pathogen, such as a bacterium or virus, or of a portion of the pathogen's structure that upon administration stimulates antibody production or cellular immunity against the pathogen but is incapable of causing severe infection. † Getting vaccinated at a young age and continuing to keep u p with vaccination throughout your life can help prevent the spread of virus' and bacteria such as Smallpox, Rubella, and even influenza during flu season.In order to ensure that infection does not make it to the individual to be able to infect their system, there are two ways to stop the germs in their track and that is by disinfecting and sterilizing. While the two both have the same Job and that is to decontaminate, they do two different things. For example disinfection is the action of eliminating and or reducing toxic germs that live on objects and surface. On the other hand sterilization is the process of actually killing the germs. Sterilizing even goes has far as to kill the spores of different types of germs that occupy in liquids, surfaces and surrounding areas.Some types of disinfectants are air disinfectants, alcohols, alludes, oxidize agents and phenols. Some examples of sterilization are steam, heat, chemicals sterilization and sterile filtration. Disinfection is used more for air and surfaces, where as sterilization is used to kill germs on food, medicine and surgical instruments. (Ritual, Ph. D. , M. P. H. & Weber, Ph. D. , M. P. H. , 2008) It is quite easy to prevent the transmission of infection. The most important key to eliminating the spread of infection is using safety measures to ensure you do not become contaminated or how to avoid contamination all together.Like stated previously infection is spread a number of ways however person to person contact is the most relative because people are simply not washing their hands. Hand washing can easily eliminate this problem , however there is more to it then simply Just running your hand through water. In order to ensure you are killing the germs you must apply soap and to rub your hands together for at least 15 seconds. Some people like to sing the â€Å"BBC† song or even â€Å"Happy Birthday' song to ensure they are utilizing the 1 5 second rule. Be sure to wash all soap off and dry y our hands .To secure the washing of your hands try to turn the faucet off and open the bathroom with your elbow. One can also use hand sanitized or rubbing alcohol when washing of the hands is not an option. Infection is also spread through the body naturally mechanism of coughing and sneezing. A cough and or sneeze can go as far as three feet or more once it has been produced and performed. However by covering you mouth and nose when sneezing and or cough it eliminates the germs from traveling and spreading to the air. The use of tissues when coughing or sneezing will allow the germs to be confined o the tissue and a little on your hands.After you have disposed of the tissue make sure you wash your hands to protect the surfaces and others you may encounter. Also use common courtesy when you know you are sick. With that said try to remain at least three feet away from other people and use a mask if possible to avoid the spread when coughing or sneezing. Avoid shaking hands with othe r people and try to not touch others while you are sick. If these precautions are used on a daily basis it can ensure that germs are not spread saves you a trip to the doctor. (â€Å"Preventing TheSpread Of Infection: Standard Precautions†, 2012) Infection control is important to utilize in today's world. There are a variety of germs that can make one sick and enough can cause death. If more people in the world practiced infection control there would be less bacteria and virus, it can be Just as simple as washing your hands. There are signs and advertisements everywhere concerning the need for infection control. You walk into a public bathroom and it is telling you wash your hands. Some places have done away with manual towel dispenser and opt for dryer for hands to avoid touching the dispenser. Infection Control You cannot seem to stop vomiting, your head should be permanently embedded in the toilet because you have not moved in ours. You know for sure something is not right at this point because you have never felt this way. You pick yourself off of the bathroom floor and decide to head to the Emergency room. Upon your arrival you are escorted to the back to be seen because of the degree of your illness. The doctor comes in your room and asks you a variety of questions such as what you ate, when did the symptoms first begin.You inform your doctor nothing out of the ordinary and proceed to tell the doctor what you have consumed. You proceed to tell the doctor you made a chicken dish 2 nights before. The doctor stops you in your traps, he/she notices that it has been about a day and half since you ate and prepared the chicken and your symptoms that you are currently experiencing. The doctor takes a look at you and says you have food poisoning. The doctor has informed you by either not cooking the chicken properly or the handling of the chicken you have been infected with Salmonella.This situation could have been easily avoided simply by cooking the meat to temperature, handling the chicken with care such as washing your hands right after exposure to the chicken and or wiping down everything that came in contact with the chicken with a confection spray. Infection control is something that can be done and is quite simply at times, sometimes it is as easy as washing your hands. While many people do not practice infection control in their daily lives, using proper infection control can eliminate illness, sickness and even death. â€Å"Food Poisoning†, 2013) Once you have been exposed to an infection and you are experiencing the terrible side effects, you want to know how you could have been infected. First and foremost, infection is spread by tiny little microscopic organisms that we like to refer to as cetera and viruses. These little germs are found everywhere incl uding our environment. Even us humans have germs, they are in our body secretions that include our stool and in tiny little droplets that are produced by breathing, coughing and sneezing. Infections are spread through many different ways.The first way that was already stated was through stool. Stool contains germs that cause diarrhea and other infections that affect the intestinal tract that is found in feces. If for some reason a person doesn't properly demonstrate personal hygiene is can spread wrought contaminated hands, food, water and even other surfaces that the individual encounters. Most importantly these germs spread because they can survive long periods of time. The key to not spreading germs from stool is to properly washing your hands each and every time one uses the laboratory.Another way infection is spread is through droplets. The common cold, influenza, and strep throat to name a few are spread through germs that are found in ones saliva and secretions of the nose. A nytime someone sneezes, coughs or wipes that dreadful runny nose it is coming from the respiratory tract THAT contain germs. These little germs can easily be inhaled or accidental land in someone else nose, mouth or even eye and then they too have now been infected. Like stated before majority of germs can hang around because they can with stand our environment for a long period of time before dying off.Another way is contact with blood. There are numerous types of infection that can be spread by direct contact with blood. It Just takes a break in the skin or even contact with the mucous membranes for instance the nose and eye. Only takes a very small amount of blood to spread infection. Therefore anytime blood or body laid are seen handle with care, such as always use gloves when handling such items and properly dispose of it and be sure to properly disinfect when the blood has been cleared up. Direct physical contact is another way infection is spread.For example ringworm and impe tigo is easily spread by physical contact. Contaminated objects such as toys, bottles, and pacifiers are easy conductors for germs because the sick child plays or uses the item. Then the well child comes along and uses it and now they have been exposed. With that said it is imperative for an adult to constantly confecting and assonating toys and other items used by children. (â€Å"How Infections Spread†, 2011) There is variety of ways to help prevent the spread of infection, it is just a matter of practicing the strategies.The first and most important strategy to ensure that infection will not spread is to simply wash your hands. According to Elizabeth Gillespie (2009),† It is now recognized that hand hygiene is the primarily measure for infection prevention. † She continues to add, † When performed well, it reduces transmission of microbial pathogens both in community and in healthcare setting. Basically in a nutshell wash your hands to prevent whatever yo u have touched or were exposed to.Another way to prevent infection is environmental hygiene, one of the key sources for infection to spread is through environmental surfaces. Some types of bacteria have been proven to survive for months on environmental surfaces. Therefore when a person touches these surfaces with their hands or even another type of skin contact the infection is then transmitted from the surface to the individual. With that said it is very important to keep surfaces clean and disinfected. The third way to prevent infection is to get vaccinated.Vida, 2013) According to â€Å"The Free Dictionary, 2013† vaccination is defined as â€Å"A preparation of a weakened or killed pathogen, such as a bacterium or virus, or of a portion of the pathogen's structure that upon administration stimulates antibody production or cellular immunity against the pathogen but is incapable of causing severe infection. † Getting vaccinated at a young age and continuing to keep u p with vaccination throughout your life can help prevent the spread of virus' and bacteria such as Smallpox, Rubella, and even influenza during flu season.In order to ensure that infection does not make it to the individual to be able to infect their system, there are two ways to stop the germs in their track and that is by disinfecting and sterilizing. While the two both have the same Job and that is to decontaminate, they do two different things. For example disinfection is the action of eliminating and or reducing toxic germs that live on objects and surface. On the other hand sterilization is the process of actually killing the germs. Sterilizing even goes has far as to kill the spores of different types of germs that occupy in liquids, surfaces and surrounding areas.Some types of disinfectants are air disinfectants, alcohols, alludes, oxidize agents and phenols. Some examples of sterilization are steam, heat, chemicals sterilization and sterile filtration. Disinfection is used more for air and surfaces, where as sterilization is used to kill germs on food, medicine and surgical instruments. (Ritual, Ph. D. , M. P. H. & Weber, Ph. D. , M. P. H. , 2008) It is quite easy to prevent the transmission of infection. The most important key to eliminating the spread of infection is using safety measures to ensure you do not become contaminated or how to avoid contamination all together.Like stated previously infection is spread a number of ways however person to person contact is the most relative because people are simply not washing their hands. Hand washing can easily eliminate this problem , however there is more to it then simply Just running your hand through water. In order to ensure you are killing the germs you must apply soap and to rub your hands together for at least 15 seconds. Some people like to sing the â€Å"BBC† song or even â€Å"Happy Birthday' song to ensure they are utilizing the 1 5 second rule. Be sure to wash all soap off and dry y our hands .To secure the washing of your hands try to turn the faucet off and open the bathroom with your elbow. One can also use hand sanitized or rubbing alcohol when washing of the hands is not an option. Infection is also spread through the body naturally mechanism of coughing and sneezing. A cough and or sneeze can go as far as three feet or more once it has been produced and performed. However by covering you mouth and nose when sneezing and or cough it eliminates the germs from traveling and spreading to the air. The use of tissues when coughing or sneezing will allow the germs to be confined o the tissue and a little on your hands.After you have disposed of the tissue make sure you wash your hands to protect the surfaces and others you may encounter. Also use common courtesy when you know you are sick. With that said try to remain at least three feet away from other people and use a mask if possible to avoid the spread when coughing or sneezing. Avoid shaking hands with othe r people and try to not touch others while you are sick. If these precautions are used on a daily basis it can ensure that germs are not spread saves you a trip to the doctor. (â€Å"Preventing TheSpread Of Infection: Standard Precautions†, 2012) Infection control is important to utilize in today's world. There are a variety of germs that can make one sick and enough can cause death. If more people in the world practiced infection control there would be less bacteria and virus, it can be Just as simple as washing your hands. There are signs and advertisements everywhere concerning the need for infection control. You walk into a public bathroom and it is telling you wash your hands. Some places have done away with manual towel dispenser and opt for dryer for hands to avoid touching the dispenser.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Kite Runner †Religion Roles/How Political Events Effect Characters Essay

3. In the novel The Kite Runner, the author Khaled Hosseini rarely mentions religion, but in a way, it plays a big role in the growth of the main character, Amir. In the beginning of the novel, Amir first questions his religion. Either he can listen to a â€Å"mullah† who taught that drinking was a sin, or he can listen to his more westernized father who thinks that religion is meaningless and drinks for his enjoyment. As one works their way through the novel, religion at first appears as a minor role, and eventually evolves into a much greater role in the life of Amir. The first important instance of Religion, appears in chapter three when Amir learns about sin and drinking. â€Å"Mullah Fatiullah Khan†, a teacher who taught Amir about Islam, said that â€Å"Islam considered drinking a terrible sin†, and that drinkers would one day answer for this on â€Å"the day of Qiyamat, Judgment Day†. Amir tells Baba, Amir’s father, about what he learned and Baba responds by saying that Amir has â€Å"confused what [he’s] learning in school with actual education†, says that â€Å"no matter what the mullah teaches, there is only one sin†, and that one sin was theft. Killing, cheating, lying, were all variations of theft. Amir blames himself for killing his mother, and believed that Baba hated him for this. Many people seek forgiveness through religion, but at this point of the novel, Amir has no idea which religion he should turn to. This young Amir seems as if he is indifferent toward Religion, and maybe might not care for it as a traditional follower of Islam would. Even though it seems this way, he will carry religion with him throughout the novel and will become a greater part in his life as he matures. In chapter twenty-four of The Kite Runner, Amir talks to the American Embassy about adopting Sohrab, Hassan’s son that Amir rescues from a Taliban official, and a man says that Sohrab is going to need to go to an orphanage again. Sohrab did not like the idea of being in an orphanage again and tries to commit suicide by slitting his wrists. Amir is able to get Sohrab to the hospital, then finds a white bed sheet and locates west so that he could pray. When he puts his forehead to the ground, he remembers that he hasn’t â€Å"prayed for over fifteen years† and has â€Å"long forgotten the words† but it did not matter to him. He then speaks the words he still did remember. In his prayer he says that he can now see that â€Å"Baba was wrong† and prays for forgiveness of his sins, betrayal, and lies. Amir promises to become a good follower and for his last words he asks for one last thing and says, â€Å"My hands are stained with Hassan’s blood; I pray God doesn’t let them get stained with the blood of his boy too. † I stated previously that many people seek for forgiveness through religion. For most of Amir’s life, guilt was carried with him and was never able to forgive himself. When he was in times of need, like his father’s diagnosis or Sohrab’s suicide attempt, he sought to his faith. This shows that Amir unconsciously also carried his faith throughout his life. Amir is a very introverted main character, but when he turns to his faith, the reader is truly aware of his feelings. Amir needs to believe in god to provide an agent for forgiveness. His faith will finally allow him to forgive himself, and will ultimately make Amir become more mature, and a man like his father. Months later on a Sunday morning, Amir gets out of bed and prays the â€Å"morning namaz†, and did not â€Å"have to consult the prayer pamphlet†. He says that â€Å"the verses came naturally now†. This shows that Amir has now accepted his faith and has grown from it. Amir’s religion and guilt played hand in hand with another. By reconciling and coming to terms with his betrayal of Hassan, he can finally now embrace Islam. 2. In the years of 1978 and before, Afghanistan was a peaceful country. The citizens relatively had freedoms, but with the arrival of the Russians and Taliban, these freedoms were to diminish. These political changes in Afghanistan have a direct effect on the characters lives in The Kite Runner. In chapter five, one reads about the first shootings that Amir hears. There were gun shots and explosions in the streets that lasted less than an hour. Those were â€Å"foreign sounds† to the Afghan people then. â€Å"The generation of Afghan children whose ears would know nothing but the sounds of bombs and gunfire was not yet born. † Amir then states that â€Å"The end, the official end, would come first in April 1978 with the communist coup d’etat, and then in December 1979, when Russian tanks would roll into the very same streets where Hassan and I played, bringing the death of the Afghanistan I knew and marking the start of a still ongoing era of bloodletting. † This is the part of the story where everything begins to change for the characters in The Kite Runner. The communist takeover of Afghanistan would drive Baba and Amir, along with other privileged class, into exile. The political situation in Afghanistan had led to a point where â€Å"you couldn’t trust anyone in Kabul anymore† and â€Å"for a fee†¦ people told on each other†. Dead bodies would turn up on the sides of the streets with bullets in their heads. Baba had to then make arrangements for him and Amir to flee to Pakistan. Baba and Amir would have to leave their old life behind them. Baba would have to leave his life of luxury and wealth. Amir left behind his childhood life, and left his betrayal of Hassan in Kabul, which will carry with him throughout the novel. Amir states that â€Å"For me, America was a place to bury my memories. For Baba, a place to mourn his. † When they settled in Fremont, California, Baba has a hard time fitting in and would eventually become unhappy working at a gas station. Amir on the other hand will have the opportunity to go to school and graduate college. The move to America is a set back for Baba, but for Amir, it will allow him to grow as a man. Amir would eventually return to Kabul in search for his nephew Sohrab. When Amir sees the streets of Kabul, he noticed that they are flooded with beggars. â€Å"They squatted at every street corner, dressed in shredded burlap bags, mud-caked hands held out for a coin. † The shocking thing here is that these beggars are mostly children, no older than six or five sitting at the laps of their mothers. Amir states that â€Å"the wars had made fathers a rare commodity in Afghanistan. † Hosseini paints a picture of the living situation that Amir’s half-brother Hassan was stuck to live with. Hassan was not privileged enough to flee, and had to live in this war torn Afghanistan. Amir’s nephew Sohrab is one of the unfortunate children that is born into a life of gun fire, explosion, and poverty. It is up to Amir to become a man and find â€Å"a way to be good again. †

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Racism in the African-American Community Essay

Abstract Racism is today perceived as a social and baseless evil that tries to undermine certain individuals based on their skin color. It is entirely evident that the U. S. still suffers from some traces of racism, but surprisingly, a big majority of these cases come from the African-American communities. While many people hold the opinion that the African-Americans are the ones that are always on the receiving end, new polls reveal that they are the ones who show more racist behavior than the whites. This paper addresses some of the reasons that lead to racism among the African-American communities and also outlines how this transition slowly came into place after the advent of the 20th century. Additionally, this paper covers the consequences of this menace and its impact on the kind of peace that is present in today’s free states. Ultimately, this text tries to draw a line on the distinctive barrier between what African-Americans call racism and how Americans perceive the same social evil. It also explains why racism by itself is baseless and bears no meaning to the parties involved. RACISM 3 Racism in the African-American Community. Racism is a social evil that came as a result of slavery that began in the United States immediately after English colonists inhabited Virginia and remained there until the Thirteenth Amendment to the constitution of the U. S. was passed in 1865. During the 90’s more African-Americans underwent oppression from the Americans as the peak of racism was evident during these years more than ever. However, recent polls from Rasmussen reveal an entirely different perspective of the current racism situation in America. The report by Rasmussen indicated that many Americans believe that blacks are indeed more racist than Caucasians. Additionally, the report stated that a huge percent of African-Americans believe that more blacks are indeed racist than whites, and this is backed up by Norton (2011). This report, however, ended up being skewered and mocked by some people as they saw it to be untrue. This calls for a serious assessment into what is the main cause of this drift into racism in the African-American community and how this will impact people’s relationship. Also, it pushes for the need to better understand how racism itself managed to stay alive through the years despite the fact that such practices were long left behind in the recent years. Reasons for Racism Clearly, the deep trail of racism in African-Americans can be coined from the fact that blacks first faced oppression from the whites and this is what led to the ill-bred feeling among African-Americans. However, there are up to three more reasons why African-Americans are turning out to be more racist than Caucasians. These happen to be the most flagrant and thus top the list when it comes to the factors that result into racism. RACISM 4 First, racism in the African-American community may merely be as a result of different stereotypes. The media is also responsible for fueling this kind of attitude towards. African-Americans since it is through televisions, radios, and the internet that most people discover the underlying menace. Ornelas et al. (2009) maintain that whenever young African-Americans are exposed to certain stereotypes, they tend to mimic most of these traits and in turn become negative towards people from other races. In fact, most of these stereotypes are surprisingly among the influential African Americans in the country. During the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Junior’s historic speech, black activists displayed exactly this kind of behavior. This was evident through Martin Luther King III who used this opportunity to stir up racial hatred instead of honoring the work of his father. Another reason for the prevalence of racism amongst the African-American community is the unfamiliarity that is present among newborns and how they are treated in the real world. This is probably the main reason why African-Americans are slowly displaying racist behavior (Okazaki, 2009). However, this doesn’t always happen, but only after the innocent party has been brainwashed by negative stereotypes. A workaround for this is to ensure that children are exposed to people from different races at a young age so that they could get used to being around people who they deem different. This additionally helps in counterbalancing any negative and untrue stereotypes that may present themselves in the future. Selfishness, coupled with pain and anger, is also another valid reason why racism is on the rise among African-Americans (Lambert, 2009). Selfishness may have depicted itself among white people in the past, however, the case is different today. The sad truth is that this selfishness led to the creation of negative stereotypes that ultimately led to a new line of different-minded persons (Martin, 2011). Also, selfishness comes in when an African-American would feel more RACISM 5 compelled to spend more time around people of the same skin color because they he/she may have been exposed only to African-Americans during childhood age. Selfishness coupled with rage for the people who inflicted pain on their forefathers leads to hatred that is directed to white people. Why Racism among African-Americans Will Not End Soon Recently, renowned television icon Oprah Winfrey stepped up to state that racism will only end when old racists perish (Newsbusters. org, 2014). While this sounds logical from one perspective, it fails to address the fact that these stereotypes will never cease to exist any time soon. In most cases, racists will always give birth to racists and the cycle is perpetual. Therefore, despite attempts to curb racism in the African-American community, this menace is still too far from being over as new racists will always come back to replace their mothers and fathers. It is also worth noting that this doesn’t only happen among the African-Americans, but also among the whites as well. Another reason why racism among the African-Americans is far from being over is because they are seen to put so much emphasis on themselves whenever the word â€Å"racism† is mentioned. During the same interview that was conducted by BBC Friday, Winfrey’s comment â€Å"Are there places where people still get terrorized just because of the color of their black skin color? † further showed how most people only view racism in the eyes of how blacks are treated. Looking at the problem this narrowly makes it more difficult to end the menace as the racism chain won’t end if everyone simply defended their skin colors (Bonilla-Silva, 2010). In sum, it can be seen that racism in the African-American community can only be contained but certainly not dealt away with within a year. RACISM 6. How Racism Can Be Contained The fact that racism is not ending in the near future doesn’t necessarily mean that nothing can be done about it. It will certainly take years for the world to heal from this habit, but there are small but significant ways of ensuring that racism slowly fades away in the African-American communities. The first is by educating young African-Americans to reject any form of history of America that has elements of slavery in it (Shelby, 2009). By reminding the blacks about slavery may induce a feeling of resentment towards white people despite the fact that slavery ended decades ago. African Americans also bear the responsibility of desisting from using derisive words such as â€Å"nigger† or any variations associated to it (Cone, 2010). This is because when blacks utter these words, they also tend to inflict the same kind of attitude in people from other races. Additionally, African-Americans should cease supporting black-only institutions or media houses such as BET and Ebony magazine. Generally, anything that depicts the word â€Å"black† should be avoided since it strikes a line between how different Caucasians are from African-Americans, something that is not true (Boykin, 2012). Finally, African-Americans should learn to appreciate the art of decent dressing and totally avoid the use of Ebonics, an African-American slang that is widely used among black individuals. While this may seem far-fetched, it is one step away from ending racism since it shows that even African Americans are trying to fit in with the whites and simply not creating a larger barrier. Collaboration with law enforcement agencies will also be a huge step because this additionally shows that they too are concerned about the well-being of their neighbors and their security as well. RACISM 7 Consequences of Racism. Should African-American racism persist, there are a number of things that could happen. Hatred between African-Americans and whites would cause a drift between them, and this could easily spread to people from other races as well. The levels of cooperation would plummet and at the end of the day, nothing would get done (Pieterse, 2010). Other than stirred levels of cooperation, it is likely that some people might get displaced from their homes especially when lands start being claimed by the original inhabitants of a place. Discrimination also leads to poor mental health. In 2009, a Cornwell News Study conducted a study on the effects of racism and results showed that poor mental health is possible and it comes as a result of chronic exposure to discrimination (Brondolo, 2009). Ultimately, there would be total havoc if racism were to have its way for there would be zero tolerance for someone with a different skin color regardless of that person’s character. Wars could easily erupt between black individuals and white individuals, and a drift will end up crippling collaboration between people and thus resulting to a sluggish economy. In summary, there is no place for racism today. It has proved to be a social evil that discriminates individuals based on their color rather than character. Racism, however is seen to come from three main factors which include: unfamiliarity among people of different outlooks, selfishness among people of different colors who only wish for their people to benefit, and the presence of certain stereotypes that are transfixed to the racial practice. It is also mandatory to acknowledge the fact that racism is not an evil that could possibly end overnight because certain individuals have inclined it to a specific group of people and not everyone in general. As such, there will always be complaints regarding racist behavior since most individuals are readily RACISM 8 prepared to cry out for their rights without considering that other people may be facing bigger challenges than them. One way of containing racism would be to ensure that the racist stereotype is dealt away with completely or segregated from children who could easily pick up the negative racist behavior from their elders. Additionally, African-Americans also have a big role to play in ending this discrimination since they seem to be creating a drift between black individuals and white individuals when they only support their brands such as the BET channel and the popular Ebony magazine. The consequences of racism in the African-American community are also grave as they can result to a much bigger drift between whites and blacks in which it would be easy for some people to be displaced from their homes and even be denied jobs. Possibilities of wars are also very high since there would be zero tolerance to a person who doesn’t respect another person just because of their skin color. RACISM 9 Annotated Bibliography Bonilla-Silva, E. (2010). Racism Without Racists: Color-blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in the United States;[new Chapter on the Obama Phenomenon]. Rowman & Littlefield. In this book, Bonilla-Silva, E outlines how racism can persist without the presence or racists themselves. It shows the reality of racism in today’s world and explains the roots of racism and racial inequality in the United States with a lot of emphasis on U. S. president Barrack Obama and the challenges that are faced at the presidential level. Boykin, K. (2012). ONE MORE RIVER TO CROSS (BLACK AND GAY IN AMERICA). Boykin, K explains the different challenges that blacks have to face when seeking their true identity in the U.S. and what life means for them in the U. S. The book goes further to explain how gay African-Americans find it challenging to fit in a world that already has more than enough hurdles to cross and enough reasons to make the weak quit. Brondolo, E. , ver Halen, N. B. , Pencille, M. , Beatty, D. , & Contrada, R. J. (2009). Coping with racism: A selective review of the literature and a theoretical and methodological critique. Journal of behavioral medicine, 32(1), 64-88. This book gives an overview on the way that African Americans try to cope with the kind of racism that they are subjected to in the U.S. It greatly focuses on the impact of this kind of discrimination on the African Americans and what this means for them. Brondolo, E also highlights key factors that cause this racism. Cone, J. H. (2010). A black theology of liberation. Orbis Books. Cone’s A black theology of liberation highlights the Christian-based perspective of oppressed blacks but mainly looks at the Cone’s own reflections on black theology. The book goes ahead to explain how racism can be ridded and it also looks at some of the roots of racism itself. Cone also relives the liberation process that led to the freedom of the blacks, but the book also highlights the hidden traces of racism that are still evident today. Lambert, S. F. , Herman, K. C. , Bynum, M. S. , & Ialongo, N. S. (2009). Perceptions of racism and depressive symptoms in African American adolescents: The role of perceived academic and social control. Journal of youth and adolescence, 38(4), 519-531. This book reviews some of the underlying factors that lead to depression in African American adolescents as a result of heavy subjection to discrimination from racism. The book also briefly touches on some of the causes of racism and explains how racism develops in young people and its impact as they become older. Martin, M. J. , McCarthy, B. , Conger, R. D. , Gibbons, F. X. , Simons, R. L. , Cutrona, C. E. , & Brody, G. H. (2011). The enduring significance of racism: Discrimination and delinquency among black American youth. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21(3), 662-676. Martin, M. J. and other writers analyze the impacts of racism in the African American community and explains its significance in cultivating the kind of peace that is evident in today’s time. His main focus, however, lies in the discrimination of black American RACISM 10 youth by the whites and what this causes in the long run. He establishes how the negative stereotypes are formed as a result of the discrimination that the youths face. Newsbusters. org. (2014). Oprah: racists have to die for racism to end | newsbusters. org [online] Retrieved from: http://newsbusters. org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2013/11/15/oprah-racists-have-die-racism-end [Accessed: 8 Feb 2014]. This article outlines a transcript from an interview between Oprah Winfrey and BBC Friday regarding racism. In the article, Oprah is asked about her views on racism and various ways in which she thinks would put an end to the perpetual menace that has crippled our world today. The article also outlines an important factor that shows why racism won’t end soon, and how the African Americans are fueling the perpetuating racism act. Norton, M. I. , & Sommers, S. R. (2011). Whites see racism as a zero-sum game that they are now losing. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 6(3), 215-218. Norton, M. I. , & Sommers, S. R. reveal the truth behind what whites really perceive as racism today and the effects of racism in a world that has moved way ahead of racism. The two authors go further to explain why racism among the whites is baseless and bears no real truth or inner meaning other than the fact that it is a social evil that once existed in the past. Okazaki, S. (2009). Impact of racism on ethnic minority mental health. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 4(1), 103-107. Okazaki explains the effects of racism on the mental health of the minority in the state. He also outlines some of the other non-health related mishaps that come as a result of social oppression. In his book, he states what would eventually happen if racism were to go on without showing any signs of ending soon. He however focuses on the effect this would have on the ethnic minority. Ornelas, I. J. , Amell, J. , Tran, A. N. , Royster, M. , Armstrong-Brown, J. , & Eng, E. (2009). Understanding African American men’s perceptions of racism, male gender socialization, and social capital through photovoice. Qualitative health research, 19(4), 552-565. This book tries to understand African American men’s perceptions of racism and the new trend of some African Americans feeling more racially discriminated than people of other races. It also highlights some of the reasons that lead to the prevalence of this notion among African Americans. Ornelas also explains why racism is a social evil that cannot be expelled overnight. Pieterse, A. L. , & Carter, R. T. (2010). The role of racial identity in perceived racism and psychological stress among Black American adults: Exploring traditional and alternative approaches. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 40(5), 1028-1053. Pieterse, along with Carter seek to understand how racism is perceived by African American individuals aged over 21 years. Their book also strives to find the deeper meaning as to why racism is a bigger matter than we thought of it. It also explains reasons why getting rid of racism would be a great feat. RACISM 11 Shelby, T. (2009). We who are dark: The philosophical foundations of black solidarity. Harvard University Press. We who are dark tries to relive the African American history in an attempt to unite blacks. It emphasizes on the importance of dealing away with racism and living in unity as one big family. Shelby’s book also highlights the key differences between the perceptions of both whites and blacks with regard to racism. It also shows us how history has helped in cultivating black solidarity.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

I’m Not Scared Essay

His choices, with exception of the ‘Judas’ secret, are the right ones. His compassion and natural sense of what is right and wrong are sure guides, despite his age, naivety and fears. Michele draws upon a naive but heroic sense of right and wrong as he accepts responsibilities. His humanity overwhelms his fears. Fear is one of the most incapacitating and destructive emotions as I’m Not Scared demonstrates. The experience of fear and the ways in which fear can influence the characters actions are at the centre our minds. To say ‘I’m Not scared’ is to deny being afraid, but most of the novels central characters do experience fear. Traditions, circumstances and events govern the lives of both children and adults and create fears. Firstly his fear circulates around peer group isolation and anxiety. He fears losing and having to do the forfeit, but his realization that there was ‘something dirty†¦. something nasty’ that he did not want his sister Maria to see, in Skull’s treatment of Barbara, makes him accept the forfeit in her place. Michele’s protection of his sister, though reluctant, is a moral duty he does not shrink, and is the first sign of his innate goodness. Skull’s abuse of power makes all the children live in fear. But it is how Michele’s is overridden by the morally correct thing to do in this situation even though he feared of not wanting to the forfeit. Michele has imaginary fears of ‘witches meeting at night in abandoned houses’ and ‘an ogre’ that will ‘eat him bit by bit’. Derived from religious stories, comic’s television shows and his vivid imagination, monsters filled his dreams. He tried to foil them by imagining luring them into a golden bus to take then ‘all to the circuses. He imagines that then his stomach opens and they ‘all walked happily into it’. Unfortunately, as he learns more about Filippo Carducci, the kidnapped son of the Lombard business man, Michele’s nightmares shift to reality of his own living world. Michele’s discovery of the boy in hole and what to do is the most serve test of his moral character. The principle questions are; will Michele do anything to help the boy? Or just pretend he never found him? Even when Michele knows he is right to be afraid, he is compelled to act by his sense of moral obligation. He knows he ‘must go’ to see Filippo after he hears Filippo’s mother’s declaration of love on the television, even though he ‘was scared’. His loss of innocence and world of betrayal are distressing and difficult lessons for him. â€Å"Papa was the bogeyman. By day he was good but at night he was bad. † After Michele has promised on his father head that he would not go visit Filippo again, he was torn by the fact that he had also promised Filippo that he will visit him. He calls upon enormous reserves of both physical and moral courage to break his oath sworn on his father’s head, disobey his own father’s edicts, confront his own fears and overcome injuries to free Filippo.