Saturday, August 31, 2019

Only Christian believers can or should be theologians Essay

Using quotations from at least three written texts (ancient and/or modern), argue the case for or against the view that only Christian believers can or should be theologians Before attempting to answer this question, one must define some principles of the nature of Christian theology. It is obvious that anyone may create a theology based purely on ideas from one’s own imagination, with no boundaries or guidelines to it. Such a theology may be creative, intelligent, and reasonable, but could not be classed as Christian theology. Something must act as a rule and a guard, lest the Christian religion break down into nothing more than dispersed, individual, self-made theologies. Theology in a Christian context must and does find its foundation in Scripture, â€Å"the supreme authority to life and thought† (Vanhoozer 1998, p. 380). Now that the thing that is to be interpreted in the building of Christian theology has been identified as Scripture, one may ask the question of who is able and qualified to interpret it. In 1860, Benjamin Jowett published his essay, â€Å"On the Interpretation of Scripture†. He argued that the Bible should be regarded as any other ancient collections of literature, using tools of literary and historical scholarship. He implied that a critic who stands apart from traditional beliefs and practices is in a better position to find the true meaning of the text, as these traditions had obscured their true meaning. In other words, only those with the right scholarly tools and who were willing to suspend any belief in the text that they may have are able to correctly interpret it (Vanhoozer 1998, pp. 378-379). However, Jowett’s view of interpretation omits the spiritual and the ethical dimensions of Biblical interpretation. Vanhoozer writes: To call the Bible Scripture does not make its warnings or its promises something other than warnings or promises, but rather reorients them to the larger purpose of â€Å"making wise unto salvation†¦ â€Å". (Vanhoozer 1998, p. 380). Jowett’s approach to interpretation requires an objective reading of the text. But can one properly interpret the Scriptures from such a standpoint? To answer this, one must examine the relationship between the reader, the text, the author, and the story. Upon reading, the reader reads the text, and in doing so reconstructs the author in his own imagination, creating an ‘implied author’, and bringing the story to life (actualising the text) from the marks on the written page (Voelz 1995, 1997, pp. 218- 219). Voelz goes on to state that the intended recipient of the text is: †¦a reader of whom the author is conscious, one who may also be called â€Å"implied†. And this implied reader stands in the same relationship to the actual reader as the implied author stands to the actual author; he is, again, a construct, not in the real world, and he is detectable (only) in the text. Who then is a valid interpreter of a text? It is he who conforms to the expectations of the author. It is he who conforms himself to the given text’s assumptions. It is he who becomes the implied reader – and only such a one – of a given text. Which means that an â€Å"objective† reading of a text is not only impossible; it is not to be desired! (Voelz 1995, 1997, p. 219) One can see that what is needed for correct interpretation of Scripture, is a subjective, rather than objective reading of the text. Voelz argues a reader interprets within a community, having developed the beliefs and attitudes of the implied reader, through discussion, experience, and training within that community which understands and appreciates the context of the â€Å"implied reader†. Therefore: A valid interpreter of a text†¦ is that person†¦ who assumes the role â€Å"required† as it were, by a given text – who becomes the reader â€Å"implied† or called for by that very text. And such a one is formed to assume that role by a community, a community which has assumed that role itself. (Voelz 1995, 1997, p. 220) This, however, does not make every Christian community’s interpretation infallible, because humans err; thus different Christian communities often disagree on the interpretation of certain parts of Scripture. But, as the Church is a community within which these documents were produced, received, and preserved, Vanhoozer states: [The] Bible is more likely to be misunderstood by an unbelieving and unaffiliated individual than by a believing and practising member of the church. (Vanhoozer 1998, p. 378) In the case of the New Testament, the books were produced, received, and preserved by the Christian community, and following Voelz’s argument, one has to be within a Christian community, and taught to read Scripture by that community, to be able to correctly interpret the New Testament. The issue of the interpretation of the Old Testament is one that is referred to in the New Testament. Speaking of the reading of Scripture by the Jews: Yes, to this day, whenever Moses is read a veil lies over their hearts. But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed. (2 Cor. 3:15-16 ESV) According to Paul’s argument, the Jews do not believe, therefore they cannot, in their unbelieving state, be the â€Å"implied reader† of the Old Testament Scriptures. Apparently, simply being within the Jewish community is insufficient to correctly interpret these Scriptures, as more than a simple, straightforward understanding of the Hebrew text is needed. Luke 24:45 ESV reads, concerning Jesus and his disciples, â€Å"Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.† Minds must be opened, veils taken away. The Christian community must teach readers to interpret even the Old Testament books. Only within the Christian community can one’s mind be changed in the proper way (Voelz 1995, 1997, p. 226). The reason for this is clear from the New Testament’s claims regarding the Christocentricity of all Scripture, Old and New Testaments: You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me†¦ (Jn. 5:39 ESV. Cf. Mt. 2:4-6, 14-15; 1 Cor. 10:11, 15:3-4; 2 Cor. 1:20; Heb. 9:11-12; 1 Pet. 1:10-12) In order to be within the Christian community, one must adhere to and confess its creeds. Voelz writes: Therefore, to adhere to the creeds gives one an orientation to the books of the NT†¦. which is â€Å"congenial† to them and which†¦ allows/enables one to interpret them in accordance with their intention†¦ [Adherence] to the creeds enables one to â€Å"matrix† the signifiers and meanings of a text for interpretation and then to interpret that matrix in a way which is â€Å"congenial† to the text, for the creeds are of one piece with that text and provide, as it were, the interpretive â€Å"key,†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ determinative for the meaning of the complex signifiers under construction†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ [The] creeds help to determine which readings of Scripture are the apostolic/Christian readings which may legitimately be drawn from them. (Voelz 1995, 1997, p. 222) It was precisely the misuse of Scripture by heretics, which caused the early Church father, Tertullian, to write regarding them: [We] oppose to them this step above all others, of not admitting them to any discussion of the Scriptures. If in these lie their resources, before they can use them, it ought to be clearly seen to whom belongs the possession of the Scriptures, that none may be admitted to the use thereof who has no title at all to the privilege. (Roberts & Donaldson 1994, 1995, Vol. 1 p.250 -Chapter XV of On Prescription Against Heretics. See also: chapters XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX pp. 250-252) Tertullian’s belief was that the Scriptures were the property of the Christian Church alone, and not to be handled by those outside of it. Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, against the Valentinians, wrote: [They] endeavour to adapt with an air of probability to their own peculiar assertions the parables of the Lord, the sayings of the prophets, and the words of the apostles, in order that their scheme may not seem altogether without support. In doing so, however, they disregard the order and the connection of the Scriptures, and so far as in them lies, dismember and destroy the truth. By transferring passages, and dressing them up anew, and making one thing out of another, they succeed in deluding many through their wicked art in adapting the oracles of the Lord to their opinions. (Roberts & Donaldson 1994, 1995, Vol. 3. p. 326 -Chapter VIII of Against Heresies) In conclusion, there seem to be many problems opposing the idea of those outside of the Christian Church being theologians, not least the question of motive, as the early Church fathers addressed. For these reasons, I believe that theology is a matter only for those within the Church. Bibliography * Roberts, A. & Donaldson J. (Editors); 1994, 1995; Ante-Nicene Fathers; Peabody, Massachusetts; Hendrickson Publishers, Inc. * Vanhoozer, K. 1998; Is There a Meaning in This Text?; Leicester; Apollos/IVP. * Voelz, J. 1995, 1997; What Does This Mean?: Principles of Biblical Interpretation in the Post-Modern World; St. Louis, Missouri; Concordia Publishing House. * The Holy Bible – English Standard Version; 2001, 2002; Wheaton, Illinois; Crossway Bibles

Cross-cultural Interactions Essay

Communication differs in various cultures. A multinational or a global company employs a great number of people with different cultural traits. Some may possess traits that are good for business when sent to countries away from home and some may not take up this responsibility well. People with different values respond in various ways to leadership especially from leaders from a different background or culture. Cultural diversity is very wide and this would cause to some extent difficulties for a foreigner in a strange land. This is mainly because the foreigner has ittle or no knowledge of the land’s culture. For instance being a German and working in a subsidiary of the German mother company in China, I have come to realize the big difference that there is in various cultures. The team that I work with is a cross- cultural team. National culture does not fit with the organizational culture from my experience in this cross-cultural team. National culture is the values that an individual learns early in life and continues to grow or change slowly with generations. It is highly held in individuals hence difficult to influence . Organizational culture on the other hand means the wide guidelines that are created by an organization and is rooted on the Job tasks and practices.. It is a programmed way of thinking and reacting. It is used to differentiate a certain category of people from the other. Due to the deeply held national culture by people, it is difficult to change the organizational culture especially in a cross-cultural team. This is because for some, the organizational culture goes against the national culture therefore the practices of the organization will be taken for granted and undermined e. . a eadership trait which falls under an organizational culture can be easily shunned by a particular employee from a different culture if the trait is against his/her national trait. I encounter various tensions at my workplace. A group of a certain culture will follow or conform to a certain set of values and beliefs, and the other would differ from them. A large group with a set of similar values would f all in the same culture. The minority and the majority therefore have conflict when it comes to certain situations within the team. For instance, Germans are always on schedule and very unctual. This is their national culture. In the cross-cultural team there are people who have different perception when it comes to keeping time. When it comes to attending meetings for instance, there will be a set of people who will be punctual and those who will be late. This is a cause for tension within the cross-cultural team. Tension is a known cause for a decrease in a company’s productivity. Action should therefore be taken to resolve tension or conflict in these teams. Conflict is a challenge that is always faced by a team that is cross-cultural because it arises from time to time. The success and failure of a team depends on its response in time of conflict. To initiate organizational changes, I have done research and have come up with a plan of giving lessons to my team members. These lessons don’t give a direct solution to the conflicts but guidance on how to prevent, respond to and manage tension. The tips in my lesson plan include: Knowledge ot one selt and culture- when one becomes aware ot his culture, i. e. here he/she comes from and who he/she really is, it becomes easier to understand other people’s background hence become open to different ideas. This can be chieved by establishing friendship within the team Being inquisitive- ask other members with a different background from yours about your new environment and how best things are run and more importantly know how to deal with situations to avoid conflict Listen to people from a different culture effectively to have a better understanding of one another’s ways. This should only be done in situations where it doesn’t cause discomfort. Learn the expectations of others by having conversations about conflicts and the way forward when it arises. Management culture that suits every single person from a different culture should be ut in place. Management culture is one of the most critical leadership tools. In my opinion, a type of management that respects the differences and similarities of all employees should be adopted. Excellent organizational culture is the main goal of a company or an organization in regards toa cross-cultural team. To achieve this goal, management culture must be put in place . First of all, understanding the uniqueness and the differences of each individual is very important. This is largely referred to as work place diversity. Diversity entails religious beliefs, gender, race, age, political beliefs, sexual orientation and ethnicity. To deal effectively with this, the HR should check on issues such as communication, coping with differences and change. Management culture is important because it creates a comfortable and positive working environment hence higher productivity from the employees. The following management strategies should be adopted: Acquiring knowledge about different cultures and their ways of conducting business The leaders should nurture the communication, creative and cultural skills of various employees and utilize these skills to improve the policies, customer service and their products Being open minded. This involves leaders and their employees coming out of their comfort zone and accepting ways that they are not familiar with in terms of management. People from different backgrounds can factor in better and fresh ideas which could result in better services and performance Formulation of programs that will recognize the diversity of each individual. This will result in more interest in their roles Posting employees to areas where they can advance culturally Language training Taking care of employees’ complaints and issues Testing the organization’s practices to make sure that no discrimination against any ulture is practiced. At times, conflict becomes inevitable between members in the subsidiary. It always happens when there are people with a variety of different expectations. In a situation like this, I would resolve to a different way of handling conflict. The first step would be to make the employees aware of the difference in culture among them. Apart from making them aware, I would formulate a program where all employees will be taught about the existence ot diversity and to learn ways ot respecting these different values and practices. Encouraging the team to take up tasks overseas henever an opportunity arises is another positive way to handle inevitable conflicts. This will improve the interaction of employees with different backgrounds and cultures. The more knowledgeable they get about a variety of cultures, the more understanding of each other they also get. To avoid recurring tensions, another important strategy to follow through is to offer counselling to employees and their families that are moving to a new country. This can be done before and after the international assignment . When positive relationships are built between diverse individuals, a deeper understanding of each other is formed.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Domino’s Pizza, Inc

Domino's Pizza, Inc. is an international pizza delivery corporation headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States. Founded in 1960, Domino’s Pizza is the second-largest pizza chain in the United States. In 1960, Tom Monaghan and his brother, James, purchased DomiNick's, a small pizza store in Ypsilanti, Michigan. The deal was secured by a $75 down payment and the brothers borrowed $500 to pay for the store. Eight months later, James traded his half of the business to Tom for a used Volkswagen Beetle. As sole owner of the company, Tom Monaghan renamed the business Domino's Pizza, Inc. in 1965. In 1967, the first Domino's Pizza franchise store opened in Ypsilanti. Tom Monaghan original goal was to open three pizza delivery stores. That’s why there are three dots on Domino’s logo. Domino’s Pizza continued to grow and in 1978 opened its 200th store. Tom Monaghan launched Domino's Pizza Malaysia in September 1997. Franchising in Malaysia is still in the early stages while fast foods dominate the franchising sector with an estimated annual sales exceeding RM1. 3 billion. With the people’s growing appetite for fast food, the market outlook is good. The rapid growth of the fast-food industry brings both benefits and threats to our society. Normally, fast food restaurant is offering fried chickens, burgers, sandwiches or pizzas. Further more, there are only a few pizza chains in Malaysia like Domino’s Pizza, Pizza Hut and Shakey’s Pizza. Today, Domino’s Pizza is having more than 8,500 stores at all around the world and making a profit of USD35 billion per year. Domino's Pizza is the recognized world leader in pizza delivery operating a network of company-owned and franchise-owned stores in the United States and international markets. Domino's Pizza's vision illustrates a company of exceptional people on a mission to be the best pizza delivery company in the world.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Narritive Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Narritive - Essay Example Daisy wondered as to why the nurses were so nice to the patients when they were not even related to them and she used to think as to why they worked selflessly to take care of the people living in the nursing home. Daisy was highly inspired by these nurses and she made up her mind to follow a career in nursing. She kept on visiting the old age home and she started spending greater time there. As she spent more time at the nursing home, she realized that the picture of the nursing home that she had developed as a child was not totally a true reflection of the nursing home. The old people living in the nursing home still loved Daisy but she saw the sorrow and the sadness in the eyes of most of them. She did not understand the reason for their unhappiness as she felt that the nursing home was a very joyful place where all the needs of the people were fulfilled. She tried to think over and over again but she could not reach to any conclusion. One day while she was visiting the nursing ho me, she saw a man who had come to visit Jane who was a resident at the nursing home. The man was there with his wife and children and when Daisy questioned the other residents, she found out that he was Jane’s son. Daisy could see the happiness on Jane’s face. But the man and his family had a very stern expression. Daisy hid herself and started listening to them. â€Å"You are here to take me home this weekend with you, right?† The man maintained the same stern expression and said, â€Å"Mother we have guests coming over and we do not have enough space to accommodate you at the same time.† Jane felt helpless and started pleading to her son as she said that it had been months that she had not visited the family home where she had spent her entire life before being moved to the nursing home. Her son did not respond to her requests and finally he left without saying goodbye to Jane. This incident was an eye opener for me. Daisy was shocked and her image of t he nursing home as a beautiful house shattered at once. She understood that were greater depths behind these happy faces and there were many grief’s that they had no one to share with. Daisy became more observant and she started noticing several similar events at the nursing home. There were people, who were visited by their families and were brought gifts for, but there were many others who were not frequently visited and some did not have any guardians coming to see them at all. Daisy started noticing these occurrences and they worked towards maturing her thought process and making her understand the reality of life. Daisy was shocked to see the contrast that existed between the nurses who worked day and night for taking care of the people who were not related to them in any way. On the other hand, there were blood relatives who did not care about the people who brought them up and loved them the most when they were helpless little beings. The incidents at the nursing home taught Daisy the true meaning of good and bad. She understood that this world is a place where different kinds of people live. There are those who value and cherish their relationships whereas there are others who have their own selfish motives and care about themselves and no one else. Daisy remained committed to her career choice of nursing as she wanted to place herself amongst the good people of the society. She wanted to be a helper and a person who would

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Fourteenth Amendment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Fourteenth Amendment - Essay Example For this reason, there were increasing inequalities in criminal proceedings between whites and blacks. The constitution had stated that one could only enjoy the fundamental rights if they belong to a particular state (Rife & Smith, 2006). The former slaves were not recognized as citizens of any state. There was a salient need for amending the constitution so that it could allow African-Americans gain citizenships in different states. Prior to the amendment, southern states practiced high levels of discrimination denying African-Americans an opportunity to enjoy their fundamental rights because of their race. The first section of the fourteenth amendment highlighted that states would no longer discriminate individuals based on race or ethnicity. The fourteenth amendment had positive changes in the United States because it allowed African Americans to be recognized as citizens through either birth or naturalization. Former slaves had the opportunity to become officially citizens of different states and be in a position to enjoy fundamental rights. Additionally, the fourteenth amendment served to nationalize the federal bill of rights by compelling each state to regard it highly. The ratification of the fourteenth amendment bill served as a milestone in the American history as the country would finally allow former slaves to be treated equally as the whites (p. 67). However, the amendment did not completely protect the rights of African Americans. In some states, African Americans were still viewed as lesser people.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Philosophy 6 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Philosophy 6 - Assignment Example Reality is objective and is free of different perspective. Neitzsche statement did not necessarily point out God was alive and now is dead or that human kind killed Him. Neitzsche meant that the society has become agnostic and atheistic with no shared framework. The development of science has rendered God as no longer necessary. Secularization has taken roots and is the custom of theological discussion. In the past the religious leaders acted as the definitive source of truth on reality. In post modernism reason and science have become the sources of truth (Nietzsche and Kaufmann, 181). Will to power is defined as the main force that drives humans towards a particular goal. This forces are; ambition, striving to get to self actualization and achievement. This will to power is at work unconsciously according to Jacques Derrida (Nietzsche and Kaufmann, 183). For example in the political domain those aspirant who are more eloquent are perceived to be, and consider themselves to have the potential of success in

Monday, August 26, 2019

Education and Testing Standards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Education and Testing Standards - Essay Example "Under No Child Left Behind, states are required to include annual assessments in reading/language arts and mathematics in grades 3 through 8 along with and at least once in grades 10 through 12. Additionally, all states are to begin annual assessment of their students in science at least once in each grade band 3-5, 6-9, and 10-12 (NCLB: Standards and Assessments, 2009). This paper deals with NCLB in the State of Texas. There isn't any significant difference in the NCLB for Texas when compared to the one in any other state. Nonetheless NCLB in Texas is unique to education in this state (Adopted Amendments to 19 TAC). The achievement standards have been set by time-bound plans that require the level of students' performance to rise within a set period after analyzing and improving the quality of teachers and the educational system which rewards schools that meet their targets and has consequences for schools that fail to meet the standards (Mitzel, Howard C; 2005). Simultaneously, the need to involve parents and also society in raising the achievement standards of the student are mentioned. Efforts are also being made to make the curriculum suitable for the students' grasp although no examples were outlined to show just how students could improve on the basis of the new curriculum. The curriculum consists... The credits for each discipline are provided (Adopted Amendments to 19 TAC). The methods of raising achievement levels are left to "extending existing achievement standards" and that "instruction will need to improve for students to meet future standards" (Mitzel, Howard C; 2005, p4). Teachers' Standards The achievement standards outlined for NCLB are tough considering that even teachers have to be updated on their skills in order to be equal to their tasks. The important aspect of making the right beginning is present in the NCLB and the state educational boards have been making the right moves by interacting with teachers and getting their skills updated and also keeping teachers under scrutiny to gauge their interaction with the students (Summary Description of California Housse). At one inspection it was found that "approximately one-third, or almost 5,000 of all school districts in considered rural. As Department officials have traveled the country listening to teachers and state and district officials, they frequently have heard that the highly qualified teacher provisions of the No Child Left Behind law don't adequately accommodate the special challenges faced by teachers in small, rural districts. Often, the teachers in these areas are required to teach more than one academic subject. This new flexibility is designed to recognize this challenge and provide additional time for these teachers to prove that they are highly qualified" (New No Child Left Behind Flexibility: Highly Qualified Teachers, 2004). National Standards For a nation with fifty states, it is difficult to pursue a uniform policy without coming across situations where different states see issues in a different way. Nonetheless, since NCLF has flexible measurements the states have been given

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Joseph Epstein The Perpetual Adolescent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Joseph Epstein The Perpetual Adolescent - Essay Example This argumentative paper aims to defend my view of growing up and gaining maturity that should also be projected by media. The defensive account will be made in the paper by taking examples from Epstein’s article into consideration. The reason why I consider growing up as a wise phase in life is due the experience of older people that have allowed the young ones to learn from and understand the difference between right and wrong. The distinction between the adolescents and older people is in terms of experience. I would say that gone are the days when men and women were proud of the fact that they were growing wiser. Epstein has also stressed on the same view in his article by comparing example of intellect of older people with Aristotle (Epstein). Similarly, older generation needs to understand that they have the power of experience that would allow them to have a mature approach towards life. Maturity should be considered as an asset by the older generations, which is now no t given due consideration. It is because even older people are impressed by the false youth culture being projected by the media. Such a claim as per my observation becomes easy to understand by considering modern day older women as an example of this. Older women are no more reluctant to follow fashion trends displayed by young models in the media (Epstein). American women who are growing wiser must understand the distinction between youthfulness and adulthood, and then follow the trends. Similar example has also been given by Epstein in his article stating that women undergo a great deal of plastic surgeries just to look young because they think that being young and by following adolescent culture they will be valued more. However, the true attractive feature of women is when she grows older and wiser (Epstein). I believe that Epstein’s view on the faded line of distinction between the youth and adulthood in terms of the American nation is correct. At one hand, being young is not dire as adolescents have a lot of energy because they get to see new in life and are full of creativity; while on the other hand, becoming older and wise is a blessing as individuals have already been through crucial moments of life. But it should be noted that the media has misinterpreted the distinction between these two phases of life. The American nation has become a victim of the media’s agenda to sell youth culture depriving the confidence of living a life with wisdom and maturity (Epstein). I have also observed that our society has also accepted the youthful culture being projected by media in this way. This acceptance has led lives of adult to become miserable, as they have started to run after the youthful culture. The point to be noted here is that the adults are chasing youthful trends and culture which has passed them long before and it is about time that they must live with mature decision-making in every aspect of life. Society and media should go hand in hand to make a difference in people’s view for growing older and wiser. Media should celebrate experience of older people by appreciating them. Media should enhance the need of maturity that is lacking in the American society (Epstein). Through the above counter arguments, it could be said that adolescences have the energy that can create implications of a vision. Youth can be strong

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Job Search Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Job Search - Essay Example The aforementioned are just some of the reasons why I have studied linguistics. On the professional level, I want to apply my knowledge and skills in making communication even better for people. Culture is currently one of the interests of studies for objectives on globalization therefore, linguists are necessarily sought for. Aside from having helped some people in communicating with others, I have worked for â€Å"Cinescape†, a company in Kuwait which works on films, adding Arabic subtitles for English films intended for the Arab-speaking viewers. This is where I learned basic skills and techniques in performing the job. in addition, I worked for two years at Lohaibi Company translating interviews from Arabic to English and English to Arabic. Moreover, I also worked for a television network as an assistant translator after my contract with Lohaibi. Basically, my job was to translate conversations in the films from English to Arabic and vice versa as well as add subtitles to the films. I enjoyed my jobs because along the way, I have learned more than what I expected and my interest in language grew even stronger. The advertisement of Market Road Films has caught my attention initially because I know that I am qualified for it. I do not just have the interest for the job but I also possess knowledge and skills that are necessary in completing the task. ... I think such projects are necessary for the preservation of the parts of historical information so it should really be taken seriously. The job may be a pro bono but just the thought of working on a great project along with the director and editor of the film themselves, is simply overwhelming. I love to work with people and I believe that the job will not just be beneficial for me, giving me a sense of fulfillment and pride but it will also become my contribution to the Arab world in preserving an important part of their history. Abdulaziz Alwehaibi 588 Main St. Hackensack, NJ 07601 201-417-1147 Travis Ballenger Market Road Films 232 3rd St., Studio B401 Brooklyn, NY 11215 Dear Mr. Ballenger, This is in response to your advertisement on the need for a translator for â€Å"First to Fall†. I have degrees in Linguistics and Accounting, providing me with the communication and organizational skills. I have translated films from Arabic to English and English to Arabic for five years. In my work experience, I have gained the basic computer skills and experience needed for the job. I worked well with other employees and through the years, I have acquired not only knowledge but foreign friends as well who have been great contributors and influences in my career and decisions with my studies. In addition, I improved my English oral and written communication skills. I have come to appreciate the treasures found in languages which now drive me to learn more for me to be able to contribute more to my community. I believe my education on languages and work experiences where I applied most of what I learned in school qualifies me to the position being sought for. I understand that a lot of people are

Friday, August 23, 2019

Marxist Analys Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marxist Analys - Essay Example Either form is a function of value which holds consistent the equivalence among its forms yet value itself varies depending on its meaning in the state of economy. Once the value is challenged in the process, regardless of form, its own size or magnitude is also subject to alter. Under Marx’s proposition, this is the stage around which ‘capital’ executes and comes in the scene to yield to a definition based on the shaping of the value, not the shifting of its form. On stating â€Å"Value therefore now becomes value in process, money in process, and as such, capital†, Marx likely signifies ‘process’ and argues how this is essential for the life of a capital where value is at work and its progress with changing measure determines capital. Without such process, it would be difficult to interpret capital and its purpose since the event of adding or subtracting from a value is characteristic of incorporating a function that would later meet the objective of generating a projected output or necessity such as income which is itself affected by the processed value. Marx pertains to the dilemma of treating ‘capital’ in terms of how it should emerge in and out of the circulation. The conflict, however, is not concerned about the presence of capital on either condition as being within or beyond circulation but Marx uses negation with ‘cannot’ and ‘impossible’ to emphasize the difficulty of designating ‘capital’ with respect to where circulation occurs. Though this is the case, Marx insists â€Å"it must have its origin both in circulation and not in circulation.† In order to settle the butterfly issue with capital, Marx resolves to have the double effect defeat its ground. Due to the fundamental property attached to capital, Marx proposes for capital to be conceived out of allowing circulation to adjust to the intrinsic laws of exchange. It is

Linear Programming in relationship to the Profit Maximization of the Math Problem

Linear Programming in relationship to the Profit Maximization of the Business - Math Problem Example D x=y C A 2x+3y=30 B x + y = 10500000 The feasibility area would be the region with boundaries ray BC, ray AD and segment AB. The co-ordinates of A and B are (5250000, 5250000) and (6, 6) respectively. The value of the objective function at these points is 0.45 X 5250000 = 2362500 and 2.7 respectively. The value of the objective function at the points of ray AD beyond point A would be 0.2x + 0.25(10500000 - x) i.e. 2625000 - 0.05x and this value will be maximum when 0.05x is minimum i.e. when x=0 as we cannot take x as negative since x is the value of new houses and this maximum value of 2625000 will be attained at point D. Similarly the value of objective function on ray BC beyond points B is 0.2x + 0.25(30-2x)/3 i.e. 2.5 +0.03x and this will be maximum when x is maximum i.e. at point B itself. Thus the maximum value of profit in this case is at point D i.e. 2625000 and it is more than that in the earlier case. Therefore there would be increase in the profit of 2625000-2624999.8=0.2 million. b)would it be worthwhile increasing the skilled workforce The cost of taking an another skilled laborer is 15000. Suppose there are 181 laborers instead of 180. then the constraint line BC on page two will be shifted right. The co-ordinates of B and C will be (4, 7.38) and (9.083, 4) and the values of the objective function at B and C will be 2.645 and 2.8166 respectively. This means at point C there will be increase in profit of 16000 which would cover up the overhead of additional laborer of 15000. So, I think it is worthwhile increasing the skilled workforce. c)would the optimal solution change if the profit contributions...2625000 - 0.05x and this value will be maximum when 0.05x is minimum i.e. when x=0 as we cannot take x as negative since x is the value of new houses and this maximum value of 2625000 will be attained at point D. Similarly the value of objective function on ray BC beyond points B is 0.2x + 0.25(30-2x)/3 i.e. 2.5 +0.03x and this will be maximum when x is maximum i.e. at point B itself. Thus the maximum value of profit in this case is at point D i.e. 2625000 and it is more than that in the earlier case. Therefore there would be increase in the profit of 2625000-2624999.8=0.2 million. Suppose there are 181 laborers instead of 180. then the constraint line BC on page two will be shifted right. The co-ordinates of B and C will be (4, 7.38) and (9.083, 4) and the values of the objective function at B and C will be 2.645 and 2.8166 respectively. This means at point C there will be increase in profit of 16000 which would cover up the overhead of additional laborer of 15000. So, I think it is worthwhile increasing the skilled workforce. Suppose the profit contributions are 19% and 26% respectively and that the objective function is 0.19x + 0.26y and the value of objective function at point A on page 2 will be 2729999.72 i.e. there will be increase. If we just interchange the profit contributions i.e.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Work or overwork †balance with synergies Essay Example for Free

Work or overwork – balance with synergies Essay Efficient management of overwork is learnt with experience of work. As years pass by, work experience shapes a person into a disciplined individual offering ability to manage work with efficiency and perfection. All that is important here is to realize one’s own strength, skills, experience in terms of physical work, mind work (desk jobs) which result in overwork either by extending working hours or by multi-tasking. A clear assessment and analysis of SWOT would benefit an individual. What is overwork? Oxford lexicon provides the meaning as â€Å"working too hard†, â€Å"excessive work causing exhaustion† and wordnet search provides the meaning as â€Å"the act of working too much or too long†. e. g. he became ill from overwork. Normal working hours fall in a range of 5-8 hrs per day in most of the organizations and industries all over the world. Overworking offers additional monetary benefits for industrial workers and employees and it is purely in the interest of workforce, OT (over timing) at the time of payment of salaries is considered, which also increase the production / output capacities of organizations. Overwork ! is it a problem? American Institute of Stress report 2005 states that $300 billion per annum were spent by American employers due to stress-related illnesses caused by overworking. Increasingly stressful overworking hours harm the workforce in developing cardiac problems and clinical therapy related problems which mounts the medical bills. In order to prevent such emotional or health related risks, an individual must develop a self-help chart of taking a quick-break in work to relieve the stress and also handle any grievance without delay. Very few people practice spiritual development which provides self-confidence, ability to handle overwork without any problem in any given situation. Lengthening of workweek Most of the countries practice 5-6 working days a week. According to the report of ILO U. S work records 1,884 hours, France 1,545 hours and Germany 1,444 hours per year. Dierk Hirschel, Economist of German Federation of Trade Unions, considers that 35 hours / week should be the norm and states that â€Å"We work less in Germany but have a higher level of productivity, we can produce more per hour because people are relaxed since they don’t have to work as much as in other countries†. Factors for considering lengthening of workweek are demographical, gender and a clear assessment of skill of workforce. 79% of U. S employees have access to paid vacations which helps in relaxing, enjoying a holiday with family which rejuvenates moods and energy to get back to work with freshness. Away from hustle-bustle is the best remedy to regain energies, spend time and dedication to family and also to review achievements made at work. In fact this is the best offer employees receive as incentive from work environments. Lenghtening of workweek offers dual benefit to organisations and employees in terms of increasing output for former and monetary benefits for latter. This is again dependent on the volume and size of organisations in these globalised 24/7 economy which has increased workloads to a greater extent extending the need of efficient workforce seeking work as first priority and efficiency and perfection rule and lead in a professional environment. SWOT Analysis Organisations must endeavor to make an analysis of SWOT of workforce as this analysis will help organisations to consider the percentage of output that can be derived out of each employee. Also employees in order to get trained for one’s own benefit, must make a list of S=strengths, W=weaknesses, O=opportunities and T=threats to overcome deficiencies and to make improvements in the core areas. This analysis will help an employee to improve in working hours, handle tough tasks and also to manage time in work places. If proper management at personal level is positive, management at work becomes easier as a process in a course of time along through the work experience. Improper assessment of one’s own skills and abilities and undertaking the tasks which are beyond one’s capacity, certainly lead to failure and lowers the image and reputation in work environment. Conclusion Work is the basic necessity to earn money in order to make a living and irrespective of gender, every one need to work whether small or big according to education and skills. Overwork is challenging and it is an opportunity to display one’s efficiency and success against all odds. Pooling up of resources to make improvisation in one’s work and grow in job by overworking gaining recognition will further strengthen one’s reputation in an organisation and goodwill is an intangible asset that organisations admire and can never afford to lose a hard working employee. Conclusively overwork and lengthening of workweek is in the interest of employees and must build enough strength to work on. These opportunities must be used to the fullest extent by employees while learning how to balance family and work, particularly in these globalised times where work is ruling.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Analysis of Judicial Diversity

Analysis of Judicial Diversity As much as genetic diversity is praised to be a key factor determining an individuals performance and survival; the much is judicial diversity regarded in acutely deeming efficiency of judiciary. Such is the stance of Lady Hale who was the first women to be appointed as a Lord of appeal in Ordinary in 2004 and had witnessed the court replacing itself without reaching a more diverse collegium. She is a staunch supporter of diversification in Judiciary and hence displayed her stance very effectively in the case of Radmacher Vs Granatino, where she proved that a male dominated judicial collegium would not help reach justice at certain instances where they dont have the correct expertise and lack ability to understand a womens psych and emotions. Her stance gets further cemented by the book feminist judgements which significantly prove how a case can change if approached from a women diverse vision. In recent years, to reach such diversity the courts have slowly started to expose out of the grip of former appointment procedures that placed Lord chancellor and the Queen with total autonomy over judicial appointments, resultantly the courts started to appear all men and white. Hence, in last decades there have been a visible change in making a diverse judiciary more than just a dream. Lord Irvine contributed in formalizing this intention of having a diverse judiciary by making a committee to check the appointments. However, he later submitted the matter in hands of Sir Leonard peach who showed his satisfaction with the appointment methodology and subsequently the matter was subsided. Later on, in April 2003 his proposal of JAC lead him to be dismissed, forestalling his service in way of a diverse Judiciary. The importance of such judiciary is slowly being realized by the situation and by the Judges on the apex of Judiciary. The old mechanism of appointments that totally rested in hands of the Queen and Lord chancellor increasingly became prone to objections over its transparency and credibility of appointed people as such system contained elements exploitable for  Ã‚   bias. As centuries, have passed and the role of monarchy in UK has merely reduced to just a symbolic post, similarly the Judiciary is increasingly inquisitive about the appointments and so is the general public. Diversity in judiciary can enable a country to represent more than just a fraction of its populace rather than just appearing to be holding a certain fraction, as professed by its quite homogenous panel of judges. Certainly, its evident that a diverse judiciary, equal in ethnic representations and in gender representation can lead to a very different decision than what it could be as there are certain issues where a upper hand in terms of ability to judge a certain situation can lead to justice and also in building of precedents that can improve the general level of legal development. Moreover, a diverse judiciary can up the moral of public and make them more confident in the legal system and a diverse panel of judges can also eliminate appellants fear of potential bias. This would also represent the actual structure of society in modern world where women have proved their abilities in every aspect of life and in different professions and hence a diverse judiciary ca n eliminate the impression that judiciary is not coping up with the society and its needs where women go under different types of contracts. As a current presumption in domestic contract cases remain that husband and wife cant legally intend a contract; even that presumption is getting reduced over time as in modern world women are getting more autonomy and there is more a concept of relations catering different types of considerations from both parties. As matter of fact, there have been no female Lord Chancellors and none from ethnic minorities. The judicial representation from minorities in courts is minimal while the majority of the apex of justice system belongs to judges who are graduates of Cambridge and Oxford who neither had the restraints of commoner they deal with and neither had experience of their typical life backgrounds and ideologies. This proves to be a hurdle in effectively interpreting and enacting the law to citizen fairly and efficiently. It could also be diffic ult for the judges as they may not be able to relate to some of the situations put before them. Thus the judiciary direly needs to level with the modern world and presence of more women and ethnic minorities in judiciary can up the confidence of certain appellants in various cases, especially domestic cases and the taboo cases of rape, violence, discrimination or harassment which often dont get reported. Moreover, it can also enable people to aspire to be judges and not think of judicial posts as a profession exclusive for the cult. People from other than purely law background i.e. non-barristers can also prove to improve that confidence and the variety of profession at apex of Judiciary will improve the quality of decisions and Stare-Decisis as there would be technocrats and experts of different professions present to enable that. Therefore, there have been gradual improvement in the appointment process as its now not totally in hands of the Queen or Lord chancellor but the JAC is giving the recommendation for appointments. However, its still a compromise as initially the constitutional reform act 2005 made JAC responsible for appointing magistrates up to the supreme court members. The later agreement between JAC and Lord Chancellor retained the recruitment and selection powers. The statistics show that women percentage in Judiciary is gradually increasing but the process is very slow. Number of women in Court of appeal increased by one women, while stayed same in High court even after two new appointments; and in circuit judges by sixteen women. The overall increase in April 2014-15 is by 0.7 percent in courts and 0.8 percent in Tribunals. In the regard of gradual and clumsy increases Lord Sumptions words can be cited. He said rushing for equal representation of women at the top of legal profession can inflic t appalling consequences on the quality of British Justice. Concludingly we can say that the British Justice system is keen to reach the gender equality in legal profession as well as on its apex but is doing so gradually in order to not open a gate to incompetent judges in the system that can inflict harm to overall judicial system.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Gateway Arch Development

Gateway Arch Development Gabe Bohler Standing at 630 feet, the Gateway Arch transcends all other memorials in its way. The Archs superior height allowed for travelers to see, even from a great distance, that they were approaching the Gateway to the West which is how the Arch got its name. Pierre Laclede established a bartering station in 1764 at the exact same location on which the Arch now stands. Located in St. Louis, Missouri, the arch was built for the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial. Eero Saarinen, the architect of the arch, was born in Finland and the son of an art school dean. Saarinen won the memorials design contest and helped make his design into reality. Not only is it a beautiful piece of art, it has a rich history behind it. This masterpiece symbolizes the westward expansion that took place to get the land we now have in our country. As you may know, through this process, many Native Americans were forced into reservations and tribes were destroyed. However, if the expansion never happened, we would n ot have the grand country we live currently live in. Although westward expansion is often distinguished as being cruel and unjust to the indigenous people, the Gateway arch symbolizes the importance and glory of the progressive expansion. Around late 1933, civic leader Luther Ely Smith, returning to St. Louis from Indiana, saw the St. Louis riverside area and visualized a memorial there which would stimulate the economy. He proposed his idea to the city mayor who in turn brought it up in a meeting with other city officials. They approved the proposal, which resulted in Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Association being created. Smith was appointed chairman and the associations goal was to create: A suitable and permanent public memorial to the men who made possible the western territorial expansion of the United States, particularly President Jefferson, his aides Livingston and Monroe, the great explorers, Lewis and Clark, and the hardy hunters, trappers, frontiersmen and pioneers who contributed to the territorial expansion and development of these United States, and thereby to bring before the public of this and future generations the history of our development and induce familiarity with the patriotic accompli shments of these great builders of our country. Many locals did not agree with the idea of depleting public funds for the cause and even Smiths own daughter related saying the people need more practical things but he would fire back that spiritual things were of equal importance. The association estimated that $30 million would be required to get the project in motion, with the U.S government footing $22.5 million of the total cost. The proposition to give the riverside a makeover was not new, with earlier projects surfacing during the economic downturn brought about by the Great Depression. On December 21, Franklin D. Roosevelt signed off on an executive order to put the project in motion, which would set aside 82 acres for the first National Historic Site. The motivation of the project was twofold-commemorating westward expansion and creating jobs however, not all taxpayers were onboard with the project that many called a boondoggle. After an intense competition to see who would be designing the Arch, Saarinens team was picked for best design. His team worked to perfect their design and on September 1, 1947, they submitted as the first stage to the jury. By January 1951, Saarinen proposed 21 sketches, which included scale pictures of the attractions near the Arch itself. In 1959 and 1960, the foundation for the monument was beginning to be laid and by the next year, the structural components were being added. Finally, by January 22, 1962, after the previous meeting was postponed, the bidding meeting commenced with over 50 companies attending the event. Initial building of the Arch started the next year in 1963 and was finally completed in 1965, two years later. As the country grew and expanded, the American people where always one to push their bounds. In 1763, we proudly, defied Englands proclamation of the year, and settled west of the Appalachian mountains. A little later, the westward people pushed Indians, animals, and society to a place where no American person had gone before. But all the while, one important factor determined where they transported themselves, where they settled, and what they did when they got there. This factor, the environment, profoundly affected the settlers way of life, and other factors, such as the Indians and the railroad, only aggravated a pre-existing condition. The settlers of the late 1800s had only one way to get to the west- along the pre-existing routes established by the courier-de-bois, Spanish settlers, and the Indians of the past. These routes, which flowed through the only passable areas of the Rockies, naturally led to Oregon and California, which caused an increase in the population of these r egions at the time. On the home front, the environment played an important role on the family life as well. With an increased sense of independence, women had gained rights to vote and proprietorship. But with this increased sense of independence came the added responsibility of being the family doctor, chef, and provider of family comfort and support. Although westward expansion can be seen as positive, it also had many negative effects including war, slavery, and the suffering of many Native Americans. Starting with the French and Indian War, the United States, or in that time, the colonies, has always encroached on the Native Americans. This war was only the start to many others which brought about suffering to the Native Americans and American people. During the American conquest of the west, Natives were for often forced into slavery when a tribe was attacked and defeated. Steps for peace were thought to be made by the American government to relocate the Native Americans into smaller reservations. These reservations were too small to hold the huge tribes and the soil was unfertile to plant food to last for a while. For example, the Trail of Tears relocated around 4000 Cherokees into a reservation in Oklahoma. Throughout the journey, many Native Americans died due to harsh conditions. This is seen as a cruel punishment but it w as meant for good. If this expansion never happened, the United States wouldnt have the land and greatness we now have. Although it was often cruel and unjust, which could have been made easier and less harsh, it was needed in order to expand the country to fit the population of the rising US. Due to this expansion, the Gateway Arch symbolizing it and its greatness may be disliked by many Native Americans today. Building a monument for the enlargement into the west can however, help everyone appreciate the expansion and the importance it had to our country. Rising above all other monuments, there is a reason why the Gateway Arch is the tallest monument in the country. Perfectly placed in St. Louis, Missouri on the Mississippi river, the arch can be seen by anyone in the area or if they are visiting the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial for which the arch was made for. The Arch represents the westward expansion and most things that were involved with it. Native Americans were treated badly during the expansion but our country wouldnt be what it now is today without it. Although westward expansion is often distinguished as being cruel and unjust to the indigenous people, the Gateway arch symbolizes the importance and glory of the progressive expansion.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Technological Advances Threaten Privacy Essay -- Argumentative Persuas

Technological Advances Threaten Privacy The year is 2004. By now, our technology is so advanced that we’ve built robots to do common daily tasks for us. To many people, all of this technology seems like a dream come true. What they don’t realize is that the magnitude of complex technology can go the other way as well. The Internet is a cyber jungle filled with a lot of hunters, and even more prey. Just by hooking ourselves in with all of this new technology we have threatened our privacy. With the click of a mouse, almost anyone can gain access to personal information for just about anyone. While technology causes serious threats to privacy, there are several ways to help prevent against these threats. At the top of the list though is the threat through Internet and wireless technology. A hacker may be able to enter a system and tamper with important files that might be essential. Important information can be found in the system that may end up threatening ones privacy. There are some precautions, however, that may be taken in order to prevent this invasion of one’s privacy. Setting up proxy-firewalls on the computer is a good way. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) also helps, which is designed to keep confidentiality to a wired network; however, â€Å"WEP provides a bare minimal level of security that can deter casual snooping"(Wikipedia). Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a technological innovation enabled to track objects and relay information with unique serial numbers across the world. Corporate implementation of RFIDs increases logistic efficiency, but also creates a medium of information from the consumer to their retail counterparts, without their ability to control personal information being exposed (Albright A... ... age and how to protect your family. Westport: Praeger Publishers, 2004. * Dipert, Brian. "READING BETWEEN THE LINES: RFIDs confront the venerable bar code.  "  Edn  14  Oct.  2004:  48-50,52,54,56,58. * Hamilton, Anita. Camera Phones. Time Magazine. 20 November 2004. <>. * Napolitano , Jo. â€Å" Hold It Right There, and Drop That Camera.† New York Times. 11 December 2003: Circuits. * O'Reilly, John.   An Employer's Guide to Surveillance, Searches & Medical Examination.   Toronto: Thomson Canada Limited, 2003. * "President Bush Signs Identity Theft Legislation." 4 December 2003. <> [20 November 2004]. * Rieter, Allan. Reiter’s camera phone report. 20 November 2004. <>.   

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Ghost Dance :: essays research papers

The Ghost Dance In January 1889, Wavoka, a Paiute Indian, had a revelation during a total eclipse of the sun. It was the genesis of a religious movement that would become known as the Ghost Dance. It was this dance that the Indians believed would reunite them with friends and relatives in the ghost world. The legend states that after prayer and ceremony, the earth would shatter and let forth a great flood that would drown all the whites and enemy Indians, leaving the earth untouched and as it was before the settlers came to America. The religion prophesied the peaceful end of the westward expansion of whites and a return of the land to the Native Americans. The first dance was held by Wovoka in 1889. The ritual lasted five successive days, being danced each night and on the last night continuing until morning. Hypnotic trances and shaking accompanied this ceremony, which was supposed to be repeated every six weeks. The ceremony also had rhythmic drumming and introduced many new musical instruments into Indian religious ceremonies. In addition, both men and women participated in the dance, unlike other Indian religions in which men were the primary dancers, singers, and musicians. Word spread quickly and the Utes, Bannocks, and Shoshone tribes accepted the Ghost Dance. Eventually, the plains tribes also accepted the Ghost Dance movement. The peaceful message of hope was uplifting to many Indians. It gave them a sense of hope that the progress of the white man would be stopped by the will of Nature.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While adopting the movement, many tribes added specific customs and rituals that reflected the tribe’s individuality. The Sioux, for instance, added two specific elements including the use of hypnosis to bring about trances as well as aid in communication with the dead, and Ghost Clothing. There are two specific types most commonly used, the ghost shirt and the ghost dress. Both were believed to protect the wearer from bullets. Sitting Bull, a famous Sioux warrior, adopted the ghost dance into his way of life. He was a respected leader, medicine man, and warrior. His following of the movement alarmed both the military and Indian Agencies. In 1890, just a few months after attending his first ghost dance, Sitting Bull was killed while resisting arrest. His followers fled and joined Kicking Bull, one of the first to Practice with Wovoka. Donning their ghost shirts and with their beliefs firm in their hearts, the followers of the ghost dance were rounded up at Wounded Knee creek and killed while resisting arrest.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Case Analysis Study

Case Study Analysis Paper Prepare a 1,400 to 1,750-word case study analysis paper based on the University of Phoenix Material, â€Å"Case Study for Student Analysis,† located in Week Two of the COMM/215 [pic] page. Below is a detailed description explaining how to prepare a case study analysis paper. ____________________________________________________________ _________________ Typically written in narrative form, a case sets forth, in a factual manner, the events and organizational circumstances surrounding a particular managerial situation. Placing the reader at the scene of the action, the real events presented provide an opportunity to help evaluate alternative courses of action. Case analysis is used in academics to help you demonstrate your ability to evaluate situations critically, to apply concepts you have learned in a class, to solve problems, and to communicate your findings and conclusions. The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to case studies and the analysis process, and to a proper format for writing the case study analysis report. Try not to worry about trying to find the â€Å"right answer† to a case. Usually, there is no single right answer. Most cases are intentionally ambiguous and can be viewed from many different perspectives. Several feasible solutions are usually available to any give case. The best solution is the one you can best support with thoughtful analysis, logical arguments, and substantiating evidence from your research or your own experience. Your goal in analyzing a case is to provide an effective solution to the situation outlined and to support that solution with solid and persuasive evidence. Overview Analyzing a case study can take several forms, and you should check with your instructor on the specific approach or point of view that he or she recommends. For example, you might analyze the case from the perspective that you are the central character of the narrative and must provide a report of what you would do in the situation. On the other hand, you might play the role of an outside consultant hired to evaluate the situation for which you provide a report. Make sure you allow enough time for the various tasks you must perform. These tasks are listed below and explained in more detail in the following sections. (Note: When writing a case analysis as an exercise in a writing class, there will be no content-related course concepts (e. g. management or health care theories) that apply directly to the case. The objective of the assignment will be to produce a well-written analysis. You should check with your instructor to determine the expectations of content and the amount of research required. Analyzing the Case 1. Read and study the case thoroughly. 2. Define the problem(s). 3. Select a focus for your analysis by identifying key issu es and their causes. 4. Identify and apply course concepts in order to identify possible solutions. 5. Evaluate alternative solutions and choose the solution you believe is best. Writing the Case Analysis 1. Determine how you want to present your views and structure your paper. 6. Produce a first draft of your case analysis. 7. Revise and edit the draft. 8. Format and proofread the final report. Analyzing the Case 1. Read and study the case thoroughly. Read the case once for familiarity with the overall situation, background, and characters involved, noting issues that you think may be important. Read the case again, and highlight all relevant facts. Make sure you understand the situation and have all the facts. Make notes about issues, symptoms of problems, root problems, unresolved issues, and the roles of key players. Watch for indications of issues beneath the surface. 9. Define the problem(s). Identify the key problems or issues in the case. Case studies often contain an overabundance of information about a particular situation, not all of which may be relevant. Do not try to analyze every fact and issue. Part of the skill of good case analysis is in determining which facts are relevant. 10. Select a focus for your analysis by identifying the key issues and their causes. Determine how to focus your analysis. Narrow the problem(s) you have identified to between two and five key issues. Do not try to examine every possible aspect of the case. Identify the most important issues that relate to the concepts you have been studying in the course (if applicable). Once you have focused on one or two key issues, try to gain a fuller understanding of their causes. Why do these problem(s) exist? What caused them? What is the effect of the problem(s) on the organization or the relationships among individuals in the organization? Who is responsible for or affected by the problem(s)? 11. Identify and apply course concepts in order to identify possible solutions. (See previous note regarding writing a case analysis as an exercise in a writing class. This section is included so that you become familiar with the application of case studies in context of applying content-related course concepts. ) a. Identify and apply one or more concepts discussed in class, covered in your readings, or learned from your own experience that would apply to the case and provide some insight or guidance in solving the problem(s). b. Review your notes from c lass discussions and your texts and other readings in the course, conduct outside research, and use your own knowledge and experience to decide what concepts, theories, or ideas could be relevant. 2. Evaluate alternative solutions and choose the solution you believe best reflects the findings from your analysis. Make certain you can support the solution you choose with solid evidence from your case analysis. Weigh the pros and cons of each alternative. Which solution is the most feasible? Make certain you can defend that solution. Now you are ready to proceed to the next step—determining how to present your ideas and structure your paper. Writing the Case Analysis Written case analyses are short, structured reports. Usually, the instructor will ask for between two and ten typed pages, depending upon the complexity of the case. Some case studies are assigned as individual efforts; others are group projects. Still others may be a partial group effort, with the group collaborating in the analysis and each individual student being asked to prepare a separate written analysis. Your task, in writing your case analysis, is to combine aspects of the case and key issues with your perceptions and supported opinions. You must then examine alternatives, choose the most viable solution, and provide evidence to support your views. You obtain this evidence from class discussions, your text readings, outside research, and your personal experiences. 1. Determine how you want to present your views and structure your paper. Most case studies follow a prescribed format and structure and can vary depending upon the course in which it is used, such as those discussed next. Check with your instructor regarding his or her preference as to the sections of the case study analysis report. Case study analyses are written as reports with headings, not as essays. The report should clearly identify the relevant sections for the reader. . Title page Use standard APA format to develop a title page. b. Introduction Determine a thesis. Summarize, in one sentence, the principal outcome of your analysis. This is the thesis for your report and should be clearly stated in the first few paragraphs. The introduction identifies the central problem. c. Background Take the central problem, and place it in a context for the reader providing background information about the case. Do not reiterate or rehash the facts stated in the case. Rather, place the case in a research context. The background section demonstrates to the reader that you have conducted research, either academically or in the field, regarding the types of problems that the case study describes. Be sure that your written presentation focuses your diagnosis of the problems on the most important issues. d. Key Problems This is where you identify your thoughts about the problems that exist. It is considered a very important part of the report. Start with the â€Å"who-when-where-what-why-how† typical questions (Gerson & Gerson, 2002). Ask yourself here as you ponder the situation: â€Å"What are the problems at this company? There certainly is usually more than one problem. Identify the ones you see as being instrumental to the success of the company or its project. e. Alternatives Now that you have conducted research and placed the problem(s) into a context, you will have informed choices about the alternative solutions to the problem(s). You are not expected to analyze all possible alter natives. However, you should have considered several alternatives when you formed your opinion about the case. Discuss these alternatives and why you rejected them in determining your solution to the case. Why are these viable alternatives? What are the constraints (e. g. money, time, personnel, resources) imposed and the reason that you do not recommend the alternative at this time? f. Proposed Solution Discuss your proposed solution providing support with solid evidence. Generally, you should only provide one proposed solution. Keep in mind that in the context of the case study, the characters or company can only start on one solution at a time. Which one do you propose and why? Justify why this solution is the best option through a logical argument supported by research. The proposed solution should be specific and realistic. g. Recommendations If appropriate, you may conclude your written analysis with a discussion of the implications of the problems you identified on the functioning of the organization or on the relationship among individuals in the case. You may also want to make recommendations for further action that might be taken to resolve some of these issues. Be specific about what should be done and who should do it. This section discusses specific strategies that the individuals in the case can do to accomplish the proposed solution. Check with your instructor as to whether this section should be included in your case analysis report. 13. Produce a first draft of your case analysis. 14. Revise and edit the draft. 15. Format and proofread the final report. Case study reports are written in a structured format, not as essays. Case study reports usually contain an Executive Summary that contains brief summaries of the Introduction, Background, and Proposed Solution sections of your report. The Executive Summary provides a quick, easy-to-read summary of these three main parts of the case study. Check with your instructor to see if he or she requires an Executive Summary to be included with your report. ) Tips for formatting the final report: a. If an Executive Summary is to be included, it should be single-spaced with relevant headings identifying the sections. The Executive Summary should summarize those sections of the report, and not contain any information not discussed by the report. b. The case study analysis s hould be written as a structured report, with relevant headings. The case study analysis is not an essay. 16. Include any relevant appendices and references in a proper APA format.

Fable & Story Essay

The paper revolves around a fable that talks about the systems development and implementation in a certain organization, for which the managers are discussing the methodologies, project management, training users, involving users in gathering the requirements, and communicating among them. Mr. John is the director of IT department, Stephen is the CEO of the company, and Harry is the Leader selected for the new project. Stephen: Hi there John, I have heard you have some kind of proposal for the company; what’s that? John: You’re right, and the company desperately needs to introduce some change in its IT systems. Stephen: I’m eager to listen to it; please go on with your proposal. John: Sir as we all know that the information database system of our company has been experiencing some shortcomings in the recent past, and is not able to assimilate the changes of this dynamic environment efficiently. Hence, our company needs to introduce and implement a new ERP system as soon as possible that matches the needs and demands of changing requirements of our company, customers, suppliers, and industry. Stephen: Hmmm†¦ Agree†¦ So, have you come with the methods to bring it on considering the cost benefit analysis along with SWOT analysis? Listen John, (leaning forward) this is not an easier a job, and surely requires perfection in every aspect as to prevent losses from huge investments. John: Yeah, I understand†¦ (Sigh) Stephen: What’s up with the project management and other problems that might come up in the introductory and implementation stage? How are we going to handle all that? And yes, what about the costs or investment; can we afford it at this time of situation? John: I’m totally aware of such issues that might stir up Mr. Stephen, and to overcome or prevent them, we must have a leader for this project. You know Mr. Harry I guess, don’t you? Due to his excellent leadership skills, he would be the project manager who would look around and lead the overall implementation of new ERP system. And yes, costs are high but affordable; you know we are not in a situation to sacrifice our company’s productivity and efficiency for just an additional one time investment. Harry, explain the rest to Mr. Stephen about how would you handle the training programs, information gathering, and communication. Harry: Well Mr. Stephen, our employees would definitely need to be trained since the new ERP system is a lot different than the existing one. We would hire expertise from different companies who have the same ERP system, and on-the-job training sessions would be arranged for few weeks. Stephen: Sounds good, but what about the requirements that the employees would feel to have for the purpose of customizing their work needs and have familiarity with the system? Harry: Hmmm†¦ For that, the ERP system would help them†¦ Yes, the system has different modules for different usages in different departments. Moreover, employees would be provided with the tools that are necessarily required to accomplish a given task. John: (interrupting in between) definitely, and as far as the communication of this change and problems are concerned, there would not be much issue. The reason is that our company already has an open-book management policy and a friendly atmosphere that encourages communication and socializing (Daft, 1997). Stephen: Hmmm†¦ Considering all that reasoning, I’m impressed. Sure guys, let’s go on. Bring the new ERP system here. J References Daft. R. L. (1997). Management. Fourth Edition. U.S.A. The Dryden Press

Friday, August 16, 2019

Custody of The Pumpkin

Situation: Humorous, old earl obsessed with a pumpkin with a son who complicates the pumpkin issue with his marriage. Ludicrous, has a happy resolution. Funny part; telescope, chance upon his son fooling around, thinking the cats attacked the pumpkin, his reaction when his son tells him he's married, the garden situation, the fact that the pumpkin actually won.Characters All of them are funny,Lord Emsworth- fluffy minded, eccentric interests, strange fears, frustration with his son, tendencies to overreact, tendency to get carried away,tends to say the wrong thing at the wrong time, he got everything he wanted even though he didn't deserve itMcallister- Way he talks is humorous, scottish temper is used as a tool for humor, very proud,Hon Freddie- Hilarious (narrator compares him to a theocritan Shepard), very flippant, romantic, his mannerisms are childish, has lots of dumb luck.Only thing funny about Niagra is her name.Dialogue- Idiocy, Lord Emsworth's is the funniest, Angus is funn y because of his accent and the confusion it creates, Freddie's dialogue is full of slang to make him sound flippant. Dialogue further enunciates the characters. Narration is very humorous, constantly making fun of the characters, subtle indications.Images- The image with the leopard is very funny, looking into the telescope, Lord Emsworth standing frozen, finding out about his son's marriage, Mcallister's bottom. Images are used to create humor.Tone- Humorous, light-hearted.Language- Funny metaphors and similes.Irony: â€Å"Hon. Freddy†, freddy gets this amazing, the wife is richer than Emsworth,Sarcasm: Narration done in third person omniscient, towards the endThemes- Luck, Aristocracy, materiality, parent/child relationship, class distinctions

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Scope and Challenge of International Marketing

Chapter 01 The Scope and Challenge of International Marketing True / False Questions 1. (p. 3) Global commerce thrives during peacetime. TRUE Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge 2. (p. 4) To date, the lesson for international commerce in the 21st century is â€Å"expect the unexpected. † TRUE Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge 3. (p. 5) Today, every American business is international. TRUE Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension 4. (p. 5) One event that will influence the shape of international business as the future unfolds is the rapid growth of the World Trade Organization, NAFTA, and the European Union.TRUE Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension 5. (p. 5) One event that will influence the shape of international business as the future unfolds is the unprecedented acceptance of communism and socialism in Latin America. FALSE Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension 6. (p. 5) A trend that will impact international business in the future is a mandate to properly manage the resou rces and global environment. TRUE Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension 7. (p. 5) Today, most business activities are local or regional in scope. FALSE Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge . (p. 6, Crossing Borders 1. 1) What do French farmers, Chinese fishermen, and Russian hackers have in common–they can all receive subsidy payments from the U. S. government. FALSE Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge 9. (p. 6) Foreign-made products remain a small portion of all consumer products sold in the United States. FALSE Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge 10. (p. 8) U. S. companies compete with global competitors in foreign markets and have little competition in domestic markets from global competitors. FALSE Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge 11. (p. , Exhibit 1. 2) The leading U. S. multinational with foreign revenues of $345 billion plus annually is Wal-Mart. TRUE Difficulty: Hard Type: Knowledge 12. (p. 9) International marketing is the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct the flow of a company's goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit. TRUE Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge 13. (p. 9-10) A good illustration of an uncontrollable variable that might impact international business is a marketing decision with respect to research.FALSE Difficulty: Hard Type: Application 14. (p. 11, Exhibit 1. 3) The foreign uncontrollable environment is the same as the domestic uncontrollable environment. FALSE Difficulty: Hard Type: Comprehension 15. (p. 12) The level of technology is an uncontrollable element for international marketers. TRUE Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge 16. (p. 14) The political and legal environment is a controllable element for international marketers because of the ability to lobby and influence legislation. FALSE Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge 7. (p. 14) In a broad sense, the uncontrollable elements of the foreign business environment constitute the culture. TRUE Difficulty: Hard Type: Comprehension 18. (p. 15) John refuses to buy Japanese products because he sees them as a way of selling out to nation known for its aggressive behavior. John is using a self-reference criterion to make his decision. TRUE Difficulty: Moderate Type: Application 19. (p. 15) A self-reference criterion is closely related to ethnocentrism. TRUE Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension 20. (p. 5) Sam Watkins just recently ate and, therefore, feels justified in refusing food from his Middle Eastern host. In this instance, Sam's self-reference criterion has just saved him from making a cultural blunder. FALSE Difficulty: Hard Type: Application 21. (p. 16) To avoid errors in business decisions, it is necessary to conduct a cross-cultural analysis that emphasizes the need for ethnocentrism. FALSE Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension 22. (p. 17) To be globally aware, you should be tolerant of cultural differences. TRUE Difficulty: Easy Type: Comprehension 23. ( p. 7) To be globally aware, you should require that all of your international customers know about your cultural rules and adhere strictly to each one. FALSE Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension 24. (p. 18) If a company is in a stage designated as being one with â€Å"no direct foreign marketing,† the company does not actively cultivate customers outside national boundaries. TRUE Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge 25. (p. 20) Of all the stages in international business, a stage called â€Å"regular foreign marketing† produces the most profound change in the orientation of the company toward markets and associated planning activities.FALSE Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge 26. (p. 22) If a company uses a strategic orientation called domestic market extension, it views its international operations as secondary to and an extension of its domestic operations. TRUE Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge 27. (p. 22-23) The global marketing concept views the marketplace as consisting of one primary domestic market that is complimented by several smaller regional markets. FALSE Difficulty: Hard Type: Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions 28. (p. 3) International __________ play an important role in promoting global peace and prosperity.A. foreign aid and treaties B. competition and consumer spending C. trade and marketing D. consumer and industrial services Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge 29. (p. 4) According to the text, all of the following events have impacted international business EXCEPT: A. the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 B. the high-tech bust of 2001. C. the steroids in major league sports scandal D. 2003 SARS outbreak in Asia. E. September 11, 2001 disasters. Difficulty: Easy Type: Comprehension 30. (p. 5) Of all the events and trends affecting global business today, four stand out as the most dynamic.Which of the following would be one of those events? A. The trend toward buying American cars in Europe. B. The trend toward the acceptance of t he free market system among developing countries in Latin America, Asia, and Eastern Europe. C. The trend toward using English as the global language. D. The trend toward establishing a world currency. E. The trend toward worldwide instant communication. Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension 31. (p. 5) All of the following events and trends are among the four major trends described in the chapter as having a major impact or effect on global business EXCEPT: A. he trend toward the acceptance of the free market system among developing countries in Latin America, Asia, and Eastern Europe. B. the rapid growth of the World Trade Organization and regional free trade areas such as NAFTA and the European Union. C. the burgeoning impact of the Internet and other global media on the dissolution of national borders. D. the trend toward decreasing OPEC profits as oil reserves decline in the 21st century. E. the mandate to properly manage the resources and global environment for the generatio ns to come.Difficulty: Hard Type: Comprehension 32. (p. 5-6) Strategic plans that are competitive in global markets are _____. A. the challenge of international marketing B. expanded domestic marketing plans C. not necessary for small firms D. multilingual and multicultural in scope Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge 33. (p. 5) Every American company is international, at least to the extent that: A. Federal law requires all corporations to outsource whenever it is cost-effective. B. the Internet generates orders for all American businesses from abroad. C. ts business performance is affected by events that occur abroad. D. natural disasters create a greater global community. E. all of the above. Difficulty: Hard Type: Knowledge 34. (p. 5) Simi Khan wants to move his business into the international arena as quickly as possible; however, to be successful he must consider a variety of factors that have global dimensions. Which of the following factors would be most important to Simi Khan' s computer technology business as he moves forward with his global expansion plans? A. Electricity usage around the world. B.The drive toward a more ergonomic workplace. C. Communication and technology networks in third-world countries. D. Restrictions on advertising in Russia. E. Increasing licensing fees in Spain and Portugal. Difficulty: Moderate Type: Application 35. (p. 7) Foreign investment in the United States is growing yearly. At present, foreign investment in the United States is in excess of $16. 3 ______________. A. trillion B. million C. billion D. thousand E. cannot be determined. The government does not track foreign investment. Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge 36. (p. ) Companies from ____________________ lead in foreign investment in the United States: A. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia B. Russia C. China D. United Kingdom E. Canada Difficulty: Hard Type: Knowledge 37. (p. 7) Foreign investment is a two-way street. An organization (through investment and acquisition) fr om which of the following countries now controls all United Kingdom rail freight business and runs the queen's private train via its English, Welsh, & Scottish Railway unit? A. Germany B. Switzerland C. United States D. Canada E. Netherlands Difficulty: Hard Type: Knowledge 38. (p. 9, Exhibit 1. ) Many U. S. firms do exceedingly well in the global arena. Which of the following organizations is considered to be the U. S. leader with global revenues approximated at $345 billion annually? A. IBM B. ExxonMobil C. Ford Motor D. Wal-Mart E. Hewlett-Packard Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge 39. (p. 9) For firms venturing into international marketing for the first time, the first requirement is: A. employment of foreign nationals in target foreign markets. B. a thorough and complete commitment to foreign markets. C. obtain market data from consulate of the country being targeted.D. an assessment of the cost of doing business in the foreign market. E. performance reviews of all potential salespeople being considered for foreign assignment. Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge 40. (p. 9) ___________ is the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct the flow of a company's goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit. A. Global management B. Global business C. Marketing D. International marketing E. Global marketing concept Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge 41. (p. ) The performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct the flow of a company's goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit is called: A. global management. B. global business. C. marketing. D. the global marketing concept. E. international marketing. Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge 42. (p. 9) The only difference between the definitions of domestic marketing and international marketing is that marketing activities: A. focus on consumers in domestic markets and bartere rs in foreign markets. B. take place in more than one country.C. follow traditional communication paths in domestic markets. D. focus on distribution in the domestic market. E. are usually non-regulated in foreign markets. Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension 43. (p. 9) According to the text, the primary difference in the practice of marketing at the domestic versus the international level is: A. the environment within which the marketing plans must be implemented. B. the revenues necessary to be successful. C. the demand charts available to the marketer. D. the control over the budget. E. the accountability of board of directors. Difficulty: HardType: Comprehension 44. (p. 9) With respect to the environment in which a business operates, such factors as competition, legal restrains, government controls, and the weather would all be examples of what are called: A. controllable elements. B. uncontrollable elements. C. predictable elements. D. demographic elements. E. cultural elem ents. Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge 45. (p. 9-10) All of the following would be considered to be controllable elements of marketing decisions EXCEPT: A. product. B. price. C. promotion. D. research. E. government regulations. Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge 46. (p. 1, Exhibit 1. 3) Considering the model of the international marketing task displayed in the text, which of the following reasons demonstrates the most important difference between the international marketer's task and that of the domestic marketer? A. The international marketer must deal with at least two levels of uncontrollable uncertainty instead of one. B. The international marketer must rely on at least two levels of controllable certainty instead of one. C. The international marketer is never certain about supply or demand. D. The international marketer is never certain about total market size.E. The international marketer must be aware of international monetary exchange rates. Difficulty: Moderate Type: Compreh ension 47. (p. 11, Exhibit 1. 3) Robert Jonas is in charge of a new marketing effort directed toward Peru. In order for his company to effectively market and distribute to all of Peru's major cities, Mr. Jonas must devise a logistics plan for crossing the Andes Mountains on a daily basis. Which of the following foreign environment uncontrollable variables would be a chief concern as Mr. Jonas devises his plan? A. Competitive forces B. Cultural forces C.Geography and infrastructure D. Economic forces E. Political/legal forces Difficulty: Moderate Type: Application 48. (p. 11, Exhibit 1. 3) Compared to the foreign environment uncontrollable variables, which of the following elements is excluded from the domestic marketer's list of uncontrollable variables? A. Political forces B. Competitive structure C. Economic climate D. Cultural forces E. Legal forces. Difficulty: Hard Type: Comprehension 49. (p. 11, Exhibit 1. 3) All of the following would be among the domestic marketer's controll able environmental variables EXCEPT: A. esearch. B. price. C. product. D. channels of distribution. E. economic climate. Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension 50. (p. 11, Exhibit 1. 3) All of the following appear as a foreign environment uncontrollable variable in the model of the international marketing task shown in the text EXCEPT: A. economic forces. B. competitive forces. C. product demand forces. D. cultural forces. E. political/legal forces. Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge 51. (p. 10) Amy Sims has been assigned the task of preparing a marketing plan for company for the next year's business activities.She knows that she should begin her plan by examining the variables that she has some control over. These controllable variables would include price, product, channels-of-distribution, and: A. demand. B. supply. C. competition. D. economic climate. E. promotion. Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge 52. (p. 10) A political decision involving _______________ would most likely have a direct effect on a firm's international marketing success. A. domestic foreign policy B. immigration reform C. oil exploration policy D. FCC satellite regulations E. FAA airline regulations Difficulty: ModerateType: Knowledge 53. (p. 11) Which of the following would be a chief way that U. S. companies attempt to influence domestic foreign policy? A. A company could lobby with respect to its own interests. B. A company could attempt to bribe elected officials to influence policy decisions. C. A company could ask a foreign government to bring pressure on U. S. legislative bodies. D. A company could threaten to withdraw operations from foreign markets. E. A company could threaten to move its corporate headquarters to a foreign market. Difficulty: Hard Type: Comprehension 54. (p. 2) Competition within the home country can have a profound effect on the international marketer's task. Which of the following BEST illustrates this statement? A. Boeing recently opened talks with its primary trade union to avoid a forecasted strike. B. Microsoft and Dell have jointly invested $700 million in a new venture to investigate high technology of the future. C. Fuji opened a $300 million plant in the U. S. and now commands a 12 percent share of the lucrative U. S. film market. D. Several name companies are still under investigation because of the Enron scandal.E. Declaration of independence by Baltic States after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Difficulty: Moderate Type: Application 55. (p. 12) With respect to challenges faced by the international marketer, a significant source of uncertainty is the number of factors in the: A. foreign environment controllables. B. foreign environment uncontrollables. C. domestic environment controllables. D. parallel environment uncontrollables. E. parallel environment controllables. Difficulty: Easy Type: Comprehension 56. (p. 12) Ralph Waite has just been assigned the task of reviewing his ompany's international investment opportunities. He knows that his view of the list of opportunities should be tempered by foreign environment uncontrollables that might be encountered. Which of the following would be the BEST illustration of a foreign environmental uncontrollable that Mr. Waite should investigate? A. A country's level of technology. B. Pricing policies in the foreign country. C. The ability to do research in the foreign country. D. Manufacturing capabilities in the foreign country. E. The ability to do advertising in the foreign country. Difficulty: Hard Type: Application 57. (p. 2) The _____________ is an uncontrollable element that can often be misread because of the vast differences that may exist between developed and undeveloped countries. A. Structure of distribution B. competitive forces C. economic forces D. political/legal forces E. level of technology Difficulty: Hard Type: Knowledge 58. (p. 13) The _____________ and issues abroad are often amplified by the â€Å"alien status† of the company, whi ch increases the difficulty of properly assessing and forecasting the dynamic international business climate. A. structure of distribution B. competitive forces C. economic forces D. olitical/legal forces E. level of technology Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge 59. (p. 13) Which of the following would be the BEST illustration of the â€Å"alien status† found in the political and legal arena that sometimes cause problems for international marketers as they attempt to do business in foreign countries? A. A company in the U. K. recently purchased Ben & Jerry's ice cream operations. B. The Indian government told Coca-Cola that it must reveal its â€Å"secret formula† if it wished to continue do business in India. C. Richard Branson's Virgin Cola was not widely accepted in the United States. D.French Canadians prefer French to English when conducting business in Canada. E. British Airlines and Japan Airlines join American Airlines to form OneWorld Alliance. Difficulty: M oderate Type: Application 60. (p. 14) Global businesses must be willing to adjust and adapt a marketing program to a foreign market. In a broad sense, the environmental uncontrollable elements constitute the: A. problem. B. opportunity. C. culture. D. marketplace. E. commerce landscape. Difficulty: Hard Type: Comprehension 61. (p. 14) The task of ____________ is the most challenging and important one confronting international marketers.A. care for the environment B. dealing with politics C. international standardization D. cultural adjustment E. international branding Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension 62. (p. 14) Which of the following would be the BEST example to illustrate the fact that international marketers need to make cultural adjustments as they seek to do business abroad? A. In America, white is an accepted color for wedding gowns; in Asia it is the color of mourning. B. Many teens earn extra income by working. C. Women out number men in the United States. D. Most Mi ddle Eastern women do not work outside the home. E.Many European nations require a period of national service for youth. Difficulty: Hard Type: Application 63. (p. 15) ____________ is the conscious effort on the part of the international marketer to anticipate the influences of both the foreign and domestic uncontrollable factors on a marketing mix and then adjust the marketing mix to minimize the effects. A. Standardization B. Adaptation C. Segregation D. Segmentation E. Projection Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge 64. (p. 15) The primary obstacles to success in international marketing are a person's _________ and an associated ethnocentrism. A. egionalism B. holism C. self-reference criterion D. segregation E. integration Difficulty: Easy Type: Comprehension 65. (p. 15) _____________ is an unconscious reference to one's own cultural values, experiences, and knowledge as a basis for decisions. A. Regionalism B. Holism C. Self-reference criterion D. Segregation E. Xenophobia Diff iculty: Moderate Type: Knowledge 66. (p. 15) In the United States, unrelated individuals keep a certain physical distance between themselves and others when talking or in groups. We do not consciously think about that distance; we just know what feels right without thinking.Someone from another culture would not necessarily understand this and would apply their own rules for contact when speaking. The preceding is an illustration of what is called applying a ___________ when reviewing the mentioned social custom of contact. A. self-space B. segregation C. integration D. space command theory E. self-reference criterion (SRC) Difficulty: Moderate Type: Application 67. (p. 15) Your ____________ can prevent you from being aware that there are cultural differences or from recognizing the importance of those differences. A. self-space B. personality C. demographic character D. elf-reference criterion (SRC) E. concept of integration Difficulty: Easy Type: Comprehension 68. (p. 16) The most effective way to control the influence of ethnocentrism and __________ is to recognize their effects on our behavior. A. the self-reference criterion (SRC) B. regionalism C. tunnel vision D. standardization E. xenophobia Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge 69. (p. 17) To avoid errors in business decisions, it is necessary to conduct a cross-cultural analysis that isolates the self-reference criterion influences. Which of the following would be the BEST first-step to take to avoid the aforementioned errors?A. Redefine the problem without the SRC influence. B. Solve the problem for the optimum business goal situation. C. Isolate the SRC influence in the problem and examine it carefully to see how it complicates the problem. D. Define the business problem or goal in home-country cultural traits, habits, or norms. E. Define the business problem or goal in foreign-country cultural traits, habits, or norms through consultation with natives of the target country. Difficulty: Hard Type: A pplication 70. (p. 17) Which of the following steps in a cross-cultural analysis to solate self-reference criterion influences would finalize the process and lead to a solution of the problem? A. Redefine the problem without the SRC influence and solve the problem for the optimal business goal situation. B. Isolate the SRC influence in the problem and examine it carefully to see how it complicates the problem. C. Define the business problem or goal in home-country cultural traits, habits, or norms. D. Define the business problem or goal in foreign-country cultural traits, habits, or norms through consultation with natives of the target country. E.The last step is not indicated in the list of alternatives. Difficulty: Easy Type: Application 71. (p. 17) To be globally aware, an international marketer must have all the following EXCEPT: A. a tolerance of cultural differences. B. a knowledge of cultures. C. a knowledge of history. D. a knowledge of microeconomics. E. a knowledge of worl d market potential. Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge 72. (p. 17) Successful businesspeople in the twenty-first century have ___________ and a frame of reference that goes beyond a region or even a country and encompasses the world. A. a sense of fashion B. lobal awareness C. an intimate knowledge of ecological problems D. a consumer mind-set E. a pronounced skill in promotion Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge 73. (p. 18) There are a variety of stages in the process of becoming involved in international marketing. Which of the following best describes the stage of development where the company's products reach a foreign market through no conscious effort on the part of the marketer? A. Infrequent foreign marketing B. Regular foreign marketing C. No direct foreign marketing D. International marketing E. Global marketing Difficulty: Easy Type: Comprehension 4. (p. 18) If a marketer is motivated to enter into an international marketing effort because of temporary surpluses in the dom estic market, which of the following stages BEST characterizes the stage of international marketing involvement for this marketer? A. Infrequent foreign marketing B. Regular foreign marketing C. No direct foreign marketing D. International marketing E. Global marketing Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension 75. (p. 19) James Bright's company seek markets all over the world and attempts to sell products that are a result of planned production for markets in various countries.Which of the following stages BEST characterizes the stage of international marketing involvement for Mr. Bright's company? A. Infrequent foreign marketing B. Regular foreign marketing C. No direct foreign marketing D. International marketing E. Global marketing Difficulty: Hard Type: Application 76. (p. 20) Maria Peron's company treats the world, including the home market in Spain, as one market. Market segmentation decisions no longer focus on national borders. Instead, market segments are defined by income l evels, usage patterns, and other factors that span countries and regions.Which of the following stages BEST characterizes the stage of international marketing involvement for Ms. Peron's company? A. Infrequent foreign marketing B. Regular foreign marketing C. No direct foreign marketing D. International marketing E. Global marketing Difficulty: Moderate Type: Application 77. (p. 22) If a company basically sees the process of international marketing as one where the domestic company seeks a sales extension of its domestic products into foreign markets, the company is using which of the following concepts to formulate its international policies and strategies?A. Domestic market extension concept B. Multidomestic market concept C. Global marketing concept D. Universal marketing concept E. Standardized marketing concept Difficulty: Easy Type: Comprehension 78. (p. 22) The Ajax Corporation has decided to enter the international marketing arena by marketing its products on a country-by-co untry basis, with separate marketing strategies for each country. The company is using which of the following concepts to formulate its international policies and strategies? A. Domestic market extension concept B. Multidomestic market conceptC. Global marketing concept D. Universal marketing concept E. Standardized marketing concept Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension 79. (p. 22-23) A company using the ________________ views an entire set of country markets as a unit, identifying groups of prospective buyers with similar needs as an opportunity market segment and develops a marketing plan that strives for standardization wherever it is cost and culturally effective. A. domestic market extension concept B. multidomestic market concept C. global marketing concept D. universal marketing concept E. tandardized marketing concept Difficulty: Hard Type: Comprehension Fill in the Blank Questions 80. (p. 3) _____________ commerce thrives during peacetime. Global (or international) Diff iculty: Easy Type: Knowledge 81. (p. 7) ___________ (country) leads in foreign investment in the United States. The United Kingdom Difficulty: Hard Type: Knowledge 82. (p. 9, Exhibit 1. 2) Among the top ten players in the global game of commerce, __________ (company) leads the pack with $345 billion in revenues coming from global markets. Wal-Mart Difficulty: Hard Type: Knowledge 83. (p. ) ___________ marketing is the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct the flow of a company's goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit. International Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge 84. (p. 11, Exhibit 1. 3) Domestic marketing elements as price, product, promotion, channels of distribution, and research are called ____________ elements. controllable Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension 85. (p. 15) A person's self-reference criterion is often associated with an associated term called ________. ethnocentrism Difficulty: ModerateType: Knowledge 86. (p. 15) A person's ________________ is an unconscious reference to one's own cultural values, experiences, and knowledge as a basis for decisions. self-reference criterion (SRC) Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge 87. (p. 17) The successful businessperson in the twenty-first century has global _____________ and a frame of reference that goes beyond a region or even a country and encompasses the world. awareness Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension 88. (p. 20) At the __________ marketing level, companies treat the world, including their home market, as one market. globalDifficulty: Hard Type: Knowledge 89. (p. 23) The global _____________ views an entire set of country markets as a unit, identifying groups of prospective buyers with similar needs as a global market segment. marketing concept Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge Essay Questions 90. (p. 3) Global commerce thrives in peacetime. Explain why this statement is true. Economic booms often oc cur as the world finds itself at peace. Resources go toward research and technology rather than â€Å"war machines. † Peace brings renewed efforts to negotiate and trade. Barriers generally come down between nations.Nations enter into partnerships and alliances that foster trade. Individual companies are willing to take greater investment risks when peacetime is blooming. Difficulty: Easy Type: Comprehension 91. (p. 4) Provide examples of events and issues that contribute to uncertainty in the international marketing environment. Answers will vary but may include any of the issues discussed on page 4 including, terrorism, growth of the U. S. balance of payments deficit, conflicts between the U. S. and China, predictions of collapse in U. S. consumer spending and housing markets. Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension 92. (p. ) List and briefly describe the four events or trends described in the text that have shaped international business beyond today's bumpy roads and into the future. The events or trends are: (1) the rapid growth of the World Trade Organization and regional free trade areas such as NAFTA and the EU; (2) the trend toward the acceptance of the free market system among developing countries in Latin America, Asia, and Eastern Europe; (3) the burgeoning impact of the Internet and other global media on the dissolution of national borders; and, (4) the mandate to properly manage the resources and global environment for the generations to come.Difficulty: Hard Type: Comprehension 93. (p. 6) Joan Wilson owns a small software company, SecureSoft, that specializes in home network security. The company has been in business for 5 years and its sales have grown rapidly. Last year the company began offering international versions (multilanguage) of its software. SecureSoft sells its products through a network of software distributors. However, recently Ms. Wilson has become concerned that Russian software hackers have produced pirated copies of th e company's leading software. Explain how the Russian hackers disrupt SecureSoft's international marketing efforts.SecureSoft international marketing efforts will now have to take into account the lost of sales/profits due to the pirated software. Virtually all components of marketing will likely be impacted. Marketing will have to consider product modifications to preclude prirating efforts, a change in distribution to direct sales, and other software protection schemes. In addition, special advertisement and promotion may be required to promote the security-enhanced products. These efforts to protect is software against piracy come at a cost which means that software retail prices will increase. Difficulty: ModerateType: Application 94. (p. 9) Define international marketing. International marketing is the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct the flow of a company's goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a pro fit. Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge 95. (p. 10-12, Exhibit 1. 3) List and briefly discuss the domestic environment uncontrollable elements found in the model that describes the international marketing task. The domestic environmental uncontrollable elements include political/legal forces, competitive structure, and the economic climate.For a brief discussion of each element see pages10-12. Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension 96. (p. 11, Exhibit 1. 3) List and briefly comment on the elements found in a company's domestic controllable environment. The elements include price, product, promotion, channels of distribution, and research. For more information see page 10. Difficulty: Easy Type: Comprehension 97. (p. 10-14, Exhibit 1. 3) Explain the differences between the domestic environment uncontrollable elements and the foreign environment uncontrollable elements. According to information presented in the text and in Exhibit 1. , the domestic environmental uncontrollable ele ments include the political/legal forces, competitive structure, and the economic climate. The foreign environment is more inclusive with the following elements political/legal forces, economic forces, competitive forces, level of technology, structure of distribution, geography and infrastructure, and cultural forces. For additional information on differences see pages 10-14. Difficulty: Hard Type: Comprehension 98. (p. 14-15) To be an effective international marketer, why is it necessary to master cultural adjustment? Explain.The marketers must adjust their marketing efforts to cultures to which they are not attuned. In dealing with unfamiliar markets, marketers must be aware of frames of reference they are using in making their decisions or evaluating the potential of a market. As an illustration, the story goes that two shoe salesmen report back to their companies after making a survey trip to an impoverished portion of Africa. One salesman says, â€Å"There is no market for sh oes–no one has any money–poverty is everywhere. † The other shoe salesman (representing world famous Bata Shoe Company) says, â€Å"Great news everybody needs shoes. Bata leads the world in selling shoes to third-world countries. Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension 99. (p. 15) Explain the concept of the self-reference criterion (SRC). SRC is an unconscious reference to one's own cultural values, experiences, and knowledge as a basis for decisions. The concept is closely associated with ethnocentrism. Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge 100. (p. 16) To avoid errors in business decisions, it is necessary to conduct a cross-cultural analysis that isolates the self-reference criterion influences.List the four steps that make up the framework for such an analysis. The steps are: (1) define the business problem or goal in home-country cultural traits, habits, or norms; (2) define business problem or goal in foreign-country cultural traits, habits, or norms throu gh consultation with natives of the target country–make no value judgments; (3) isolate the SRC influence in the problem and examine it carefully to see how it complicates the problem; and, (4) redefine the problem without the SRC influence and solve for the optimum business goal situation.Difficulty: Hard Type: Comprehension 101. (p. 17) In order for a company to be globally aware, the company must do what two things (according to the text)? The company must (1) have a tolerance for cultural differences and (2) have knowledge of cultures, history, world market potential, and global economic, social, and political trends. Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension 102. (p. 23) With respect to a strategic orientation to conducting international marketing, describe the global marketing concept.The global marketing concept views an entire set of country markets (whether the home market and only 1 other country, or the home market and 100 other countries) as a unit, identifying gro ups of prospective buyers with similar needs as a global market segment and developing a marketing plan that strives for standardization wherever it is cost and culturally effective. Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension 103. (p. 5) Rick Russell owns a small company that specializes in waste cleanup on the high seas. He believes that his company can grow dramatically if he can find foreign partners and investors.According to the events and trends cited in the text as affecting global business today, which of these trends would have the most impact on Mr. Russell's business? Explain your rationale. After reviewing the trends, the trend that is most likely to affect Russell's operation is the fourth trend–the mandate to properly manage the resources and global environment for the generation to come. Students should supply their own rationale. If another trend is chosen, it should be explained, characterized, and justified. Difficulty: Moderate Type: Application 04. (p. 11, E xhibit 1. 3) Scott Web Services has decided to go international with their new anti-spam software. Using the International Marketing Task model shown in the text, discuss which factors will impact Scott Web Services the most as it gears up to pursue international expansion. To effectively answer this question, students must be familiar with Exhibit 1. 3. Students can comment on the inner ring (domestic controllables), middle ring (domestic environment [uncontrollables]), and the outer ring (foreign environment [uncontrollables]).Students should focus on the technological aspects of the company, political/legal forces, competitive forces, and cultural forces that might impact the company. Students can be creative with this answer; therefore, you might wish to establish ground rules or guidelines. Difficulty: Hard Type: Application 105. (p. 15-17) You are about to eat at a friend's house for dinner. However, your friend is from a foreign country and you are sure that his family will h ave prepared an ethnic meal for you.Explain how your self-reference criterion (SRC) might cause you problems with your upcoming new experience. What should do about this? This example is created to stimulate students into thinking about how that their own â€Å"cultural baggage† can sometimes make a new experience frightening. Eating strange food among â€Å"foreigners† is a common occurrence. Stimulate students think about what SRC is and how it can either hinder or help a relationship. For additional information on SRC, see pages 15-18. Difficulty: Easy Type: Application